Most Inspirational Moment
The village in the mountains was in a beautiful location, and after the terrible traffic and fumes in Marrakech (outside the medina) the contrast was striking. There were no traffic sounds and just absolute peace, with a barking dog and the occasional sound of the call to prayer being all that disturbed it. The fact that the village has only had electricity for the last fouryears means that the traditional way of life (subsistence farming and little dependence on technology) still continues, but for how much longer, one wonders. The walks were spectacular and we were spurred on by the sight of Abdullah, our cook, overtaking us on his mule each day carrying our lunch, and what a lunch it was! He made tea and a couple of hot dishes served with salad and bread, followed by tangerines which we ate seated on cushions around a rug in a well chosen spot by a stream or lake.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Mohammed, our group leader, was a young man in his twenties who looked after us beautifully. He would always sing exuberantly when we reached a high spot in the walk. We loved his berber cloaks which he lent out to anyone feeling a bit chilly.
Advice for Potential Travellers
You really do need warm things and plenty of layers in winter - for the early mornings and the evenings. There is plenty of bottled water available, but the water in the village boiled for tea is fine and, although I do often get a stomach bug when in strange countries, none of us had any problems. We had an alcohol free week (even New Year's Eve!), because there is no alcohol in the village and none of us had thought to bring any from Marrakech, but surprisingly enough, we didn't miss it (too much).