Most Inspirational Moment
Difficult to pin this one down to a single moment. Cycling through three different Asian countries and seeing the differing countryside and experiencing the different cultures with different backgrounds, languages and mind-sets was great. Combining this - in itself - great experience with having the chance getting to know a group of around 20 completely diverse, interesting and pleasant individuals from various countries/nations/continents by way of sweating, eating, laughing, talking, marvelling and pedalling along together was just magnificent.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Nee is just brilliant, there's no other word for it. Apart from the fact that she is one of the most agreeable persons we have met in a very long time she is absolutely experienced as a tour guide and at doing the trip. She is confident, informative and helpful at all times. She managed to get our group up, out and going at the right time, meaning that she got to know the abilities of each group member very quickly and paced us that well that we arrived everywhere in time without anyone of us feeling being rushed or pushed. She did not only manage getting to know our abilities very quickly, but seemed to have a sixth sense for our personal requirements, preferences and interests in no time at all thereby keeping all of us happy. Not to forget that she was always acutely observant noticing if anything could be improved and primarily, she kept us as safe as possible.Nee's organisational skills - starting from organising our group through 2 border crossings, in different hotels most nights, liaising with different guides, support and mechanical teams and hotel managers to tasks , just to mention food, like seeing to it that there is enough and exactly the required food at lunches/dinners for a mix of vegetarians, allergics, and other specialists - are exceptional. I simply admired her steady and patient cheerfulness while helping us with all sorts of things. Last but not least, and definitely not to forget - her contagious sense of humour.
Advice for Potential Travellers
Don't overpack. You can get laundry done at various points and is good and cheap. But: if you are used cycling at home with your own bike fitted to your size/geometry bring your own saddle, handlebars (will help to avoid your fingers/hands feeling needles and pins/getting numb) and (click)-pedals. The bikes are nice enough, but a bit of your own gear will help you to feel better (especially the long distances in Thailand). And do not forget to pack decent clothes for visits to temples or other places of worship (Ladies: Sarongs will not suffice anymore!) so you can show your respect to the Thai, Cambodian and Vietnamese people and their beliefs and religions, just the same you would expect them to show their respect to the places you hold in high esteem. Reading the trip notes properly (sometime before you start to travel) definitely helps ! Listening to the advice of your tour guide and not to draft while biking helps as well to keep you happy and safe !