Most Inspirational Moment
Seeing different lives, homes etc as you cycle where often only a local would go allows you to get under the skin of 3 different countries. With all respect to the Thailand section I doubt if we saw the best that Thailand has to offer but nonetheless it was a good way of getting to Cambodia! The Temples of Angkor Wat were fantastic and unless you were incapable of cycling for some reason then cycling around the temples has to be the very best way to see them. The site is huge so you don't want to be on a bus in that heat and humidity! The killing fields and associated museums of death were just awful to visit and learn (in my case) even more about man's inhumanity.
Thoughts on Group Leader
The 2 key group leaders were nothing short of terrific and the different support crews in each country were excellent
Advice for Potential Travellers
The fitter you are the more you will enjoy the cycling but don't worry if you are an occasional weekend cyclist you will cope. If you really want a cycling holiday with lots of miles then you should probably choose something else - the Rajistahn trip I've done previously nor example. Be prepared to buy an extra suitcase and fill it with locally made branded goods and make a fortune on e-bay or the local car boot sale or just make your friends happy! Shopping in Ho Chi Minh is an experience not to be missed - you should probably leave your wife at home!