Most Inspirational Moment
I was a first time visitor to Cambodia, having done Thailand and Vietnam before, but certainly S21 and The Killing Fields in Phnom Penh were both high lights and low lights. As the local guide was at pains to explain, they cannot hide their history, and they are not proud of the actions of the Khmer Rouge, but the story has to be told, and to use his term, Cambodia is now " open for business " and is under very different conditions to that of '75 - '79. Angkor Wat cant be described, and simply must be seen, so enjoy the day trip, its well worth it. Siem Reap is a great city, vibrant, and safe.The school visit was also inspirational, and to see these young children just so hungry to learn from volunteer teachers, led by an incredibly inspirational Mr Long Waha, was truly a highlight.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Moh was just great, and capably helped by Mee, who along with the ground operators, and the support guys, combined to make the whole leadership thing work just so well. Not once was either Moh or Mee down ( even when Moh decided to get close to the ground on one stage ! ) and they have such good patience with everyone, to make it so enjoyable.Go for the bulk dining and ordering thing which the leaders will do for you ( dont worry about separate ordering ) its makes it so much easier, and its generally such good food, and cheap as. Moh and Mee had it down pat, and worked excellently.The bike leaders were also just great and just a word to wise, dont take the guys on in Thailand, they are good, in fact, very good !! The open, flat, quiet roads allowed some us to have a go on some of the stages with them, and they are more than up for it !!
Advice for Potential Travellers
Perhaps consider some riding gear ( gloves, a good helmet, and some good padded shorts ) plus also look to take drylite clothing, which you can hand rinse each night, and it will be dry for the next days stage. But also useful when the tropical rain arrives, and means you will dry out quickly. Your choice if you take a shower jacket, but if you take drylite tops and shorts, then these will dry very quickly. MTB Shoes, Cleats and Pedals are not necessary, but do make it a little easier, especially on some of the longer stages in Thailand. Bikes were great, Specialized, with good gear set groupings, and no longer than 12 months old. Washed and serviced everynight, and a full inventory of parts if ever needed.Oh, and 1 more thing, Take plenty of deoderant !!