Most Inspirational Moment
Highlight for me would be the Angkor temple complex. The scale and complexity but also the architectural variety of temples was extraordinary. But i would have to mention the warmth of welcome from everyone we met. The excitement of the children in all the countries will live long in my memory. And the group of 17 we shared this experience with. We were blessed with a terrific bunch of co-travellers. The holiday does to some extent self-select like-minded travellers, but nevertheless the experience was enhanced by being with such a great group.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Saowarit, better known as Rit, is a total superstar and contributed in an enormous way to the enjoyment of the trip. He exuded calmness and control, and was always on hand to assist, advise and suggest. Above and beyond in terms of his commitment to ensuring we all got the best out of the experience. I can’t speak highly enough of him.
Advice for Potential Travellers
It’s hot! We travelled in November and daily temperatures weee generally between 33 and 35, with mid to high 20’s at night. The cycling is easy in terms of terrain as it’s very very flat, but the heat is challenging and sapping. The trip is classed as 3 / Moderate, with the explanation suggesting anyone of reasonable fitness could manage the rides. I would say it requires strong fitness levels, good stamina, and really is targeted at regular distance cyclists. The longest 3 days, each of c80km in 35 degree heat, are not for the faint hearted. The cycling speed for our group averaged about 20kph.