Most Inspirational Moment
I really wanted to see a keel billed toucan up close. I had been to Costa Rica the previous year and had not seen one of them. Our guide, Alejandro, went out of his way to find me a keel billed toucan in Tortuguero and I got some excellent photographs. Another highlight was our encounter with two Tapirs in Drakes bay on the Osa peninsula. We had been to Corcovado national park on the previous day and not seen any, although I knew our chances of seeing one was slim. On our second night at Drakes bay, two tapirs wondered out of the forest onto our lodge grounds and sauntered around, munching the vegetation. They disappeared off into the forest again only to reappear 20 minutes later for another walkabout. They weren't even slightly nervous. What a sighting!
Thoughts on Group Leader
Our guide, Alejandro Rodriguez, was an exceptional guide. He really took good care of us. From the beginning of the trip we felt we were in safe hands. Nothing seemed to phase him. British Airways lost the luggage of one woman on our trip and he was on it straight away; she was reunited with her luggage later on in the trip. He worked tirelessly in the background organising things for us, from booking optional trips on our free days, to booking restaurants for us, and even organised free excursion and trips for us on our free days. He was also an excellent wildlife guide and spotter. Within hours he knew the particular interests of each of the group members and ensured that each group member was catered for. He knew who was interested in birds, who was interested in mammals, who was interested in plants, and who was interested in frogs, and ensured that all our interests were satisfied. He was also very knowledgeable on Costa Rican culture, history, politics and eco tourism and sustainability and kept us amused for hours on the long bus journeys with his witty accounts of all things Costa Rican. Overall I think he was probably one of the best guides I have ever encountered.
Advice for Potential Travellers
Bring a hat and gloves for early morning quetzel spotting in Savegre cloud forest