Most Inspirational Moment
I doubt I'd describe any moment as "inspirational;" it was overall just a pleasant experience. I did like meeting other pilgrims, some of whom were walking the Camino alone. It is obvious that the experiences they were having were much richer and perhaps more inspirational than can be had trekking with a group.
Thoughts on Group Leader
I can only give Jose the highest praise. He was fun, informed, sociable, and very concerned about the welfare of his group. I fell (in a cafe, not on the Camino !!!) and broke my pelvis four days into the walk, and although there was nothing to be done but to drop out and rest, he did his best to see to my comfort for the rest of the tour.
Advice for Potential Travellers
This walk is not particularly difficult, but the pace is quite fast, and there really isn't time to stop for short periods to savor the gorgeous views or to take photographs. The tour is rated "moderate" and asks for a"reasonable degree of fitness". Such wording is a bit too vague. I am over 70 and am very fit for my age, but as I said, I was a slower walker than most people in the group and always felt a little pushed to increase my pace.