Most Inspirational Moment
Cycling in the rain in Thailand with the steam rising from the tarmac and the rice being silently cut by hand in the fields beside you. Riding around Angkor Wat and getting a full appreciation of the scale of the temples there. The stunning brutality of the killing fields and realizing it all happened such a short time ago. The smiling children in the Mekong who have little except, energy, beaming smiles and high fives for all the riders. Riding with another 14 people in a tight pack a few feet from the guys in front and not feeling anything but exhilarated.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Its no easy task to manage 15 riders of varying experience, ensure they all have a great time, and, to do that with patience, skill, encouragement, sensitivity and humour. Well done Rit you really are a star.
Advice for Potential Travellers
Dont take USD100 dollar bills smaller denominations are easier to use in country. You dont need your own bike the ones on hire are fine. Do take, padded pants, gel saddle, bike water bottle, bike helmet, sun tan cream, chamois cream, mozzy spray, handlebar bag, a sense of fun. Dont worry, the cycling is all pretty easy and as time passes your cycling skills will increase until you can ride over a really narrow bridge with no handrails.