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Turtle, Ecuador


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Brilliant trip!

Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan were totally unexpected, smart Russian built cities and beautiful ‘alpine’ scenery with it’s snow capped mountains, rushing streams and waterfalls, lakes and flower meadows! Uzbekistan, more as expected with lovely monuments – Khiva not to be missed!

Most Inspirational Moment

Picnic at one of the lakes was so peaceful plus seeing the golden eagles flying.....

Thoughts on Group Leader

Both terrific and nominated for awards - Vitaliy in the first two countries & Dilshot in Uzbekistan.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't forget a torch for your yurt stay ;)

Excellent in spite of an emergency

Excellent 2 weeks in central Asia which i thoroughly recommend to others. The first week was in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan – lots of outdoor activities. The second week in Uzbekistan was more sightseeing which was a good contrast. very nice group of fellow travellers.

Most Inspirational Moment

seeing the night sky and the milky way when we were staying in the Yurt The eagle hunting display

Thoughts on Group Leader

Vitaly for the first week was excellent - knowledgeable and a good organiser. Dilshshod in Uzbekistan was something else. A wonderful and caring man. Not only was he an excellent leader but he went way beyond the call of duty when I had a serious health emergency in Samarkand. I suffered from a TIA and had to be blue lighted to the hospital where i stayed two days. Dilshod came with me and my wife in the ambulance. He liaised with the hospital staff which was really necessary as none of the doctors spoke any English. He visited me while i was there and was essential to allow communication between me and the medical staff. Dilshod was not just helping out he obviously really cared about my welfare. We would have been really stuck without him- thank you Dilshod. The exodus staff back in London were also very good - very concerned and eager to do all they could to assist -thanks to Max Bickerstaffe and Joe Figueiredo plus others whose names have escaped me.

Advice for Potential Travellers

On Day2, the optional hike to the waterfall in the Ala-Alcha Gorge is quite strenuous. Certainly more effort than a day hiking on a moderate Exodus hiking trip. But you can always turn back if you get tired!

Perhaps some more about how the Silk Road functioned explained during the trips.

Very interesting trip spoiled by petty officialdom. The guides were very good, and the trip well organised. Would recommend.

Most Inspirational Moment

The Lakes, very beautiful and scenic.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellent, very helpful and Knowledgeable.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be aware of incompetent staff in immigration and hospitality. A member of my group had serious trouble entering and leaving Uzbekistan due to such people, another member of the group got into trouble as she was carrying US coins older the fifty years, it is an offence to do this in the same country.

The long and winding road

Some spectacular landscapes, fantastic Islamic architecture, fascinating markets – and some very long minibus journeys on bumpy roads

Most Inspirational Moment

Waking up and stepping outside my yurt to witness the wonderful scenery and lovely horses beside the river

Thoughts on Group Leader

Vitali: Good fun, informative and patient. Svetlana: Elegant, expressive and a fountain of knowledge. Dilshod: Encyclopaedic knowledge of Uzbek history, polite and resolved a couple of issues with aplomb

Advice for Potential Travellers

Bukhara was hotter than expected - 41C in 2nd week of June. Yurt camp warmer than expected. Do not leave coins in your hold luggage when flying out or there will be trouble. Make sure your hotel registers your stay with the authorities. One of our group was missed by the last hotel and had trouble leaving Uzbekistan as a consequence. The number of mosques, madrassas and mausoleums can be overwhelming.

A fabulous trip - don't hesitate to book this!

A very well organised and packed trip with excellent guiding and variety of activities. So much learned and so much more to research on my return. It more than lived up to expectations with many positive surprises, historically, architecturally and socially. For example, your money will go far, the standard of food is excellent and you will be able to enjoy local beer and wine in most places, or take your own. Far too many highlights to mention but the golden eagle falconry will stay in my mind for ever, and I never tired of the gorgeous blue mosques and madrasahs, with their turquoise domes and minarets. I can’t remember how many times I said ‘Wow!’ to myself. A ‘must do’ is the extension to Khiva, it really rounded off the trip. It’s just fabulous. A couple of tips. The weather can be a bit iffy in Kyrgyzstan in May – the waterproofs and brolly were needed. A small flask came in handy. While some hotels have kettles in rooms, others were more than happy to fill up my flask with very hot water so I could have decaf on the go – you won’t find it on your trip in the hotels. We had wifi on the bus in Kyrgyzstan, and I bought a SIM in Uzbekistan very cheaply, which was particularly useful when the few of us transferred to Khiva. A few early starts for trains, but I slept well on both the Talgo and on the Russian train to Khiva with the aid of earplugs and an eyeshade – both recommended as essentials. This trip will stay long in my memory. Don’t hesitate, just go! You won’t be disappointed.

Most Inspirational Moment

Sitting on horseback with a golden eagle on my arm!

Thoughts on Group Leader

All leaders were excellent, but the guide and driver, Vitali and Valeri, in Kyrgyzstan were of particular note.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take a small flask and decaf coffee for long journeys and hotels.

What a trip!

Superb exotic and fascinating silk road

Most Inspirational Moment


Thoughts on Group Leader

Both Vitali and Dilshod were brilliant

Beautiful Landscapes and incredible historical sites

A full on trip on the Silk Road , visiting three countries (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan).Former Soviet countries enjoying their independence, but not quite shaking off the influence of this former ruler. The clash of Soviet and Persian culture is fascinating. Travelled through enormous unspoilt landscapes, sometimes mountainous and sometimes vast plains , once a dried up sea 200 million years ago. The iconic Persian buildings of Samarkand and Bukhara were breathtakingly beautiful . There was also great group dynamics . Loved it.

Most Inspirational Moment

There were many . Waking up in the mountains in a Yurt and seeing the sun rise. The stunning tomb of Amir Timor in Samarkand. The floodlit Madrassas and Mausoleums in Samarkand. The ancient bath house in Bukhara.

Thoughts on Group Leader

We had two. Both were extremely knowledgeable, Vitaly in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan and Dilshod in Uzbekistan. A good leader helps the trip go well and is so important. No complaints at all with these two excellent leaders

Advice for Potential Travellers

This journey is exciting and well coordinated but is full on so very much an adventure rather than a holiday to rest . Bring a power pack for your phone for the night in the Yurt and also overnight on the train. Bring warm weather and cold weather gear and good walking shoes. debit cards are widely accepted and US Dollars for changing to local currency .

Scenery, madrassas and monuments

This was a fast paced tour covering many miles. Wonderful scenery, snow capped mountains and desert plains. Lovely walks to mountain waterfalls some still frozen. Glad to see Exodus are including Khiva in the tour now as this was a highlight with its impressive city walls. We enjoyed every part of the trip including the sleeper trains (perhaps not the 3am start.) The Eagle hunter was a highlight. We were in Bukhara for the silk and spice festival and enjoyed the colourful bustle and music. Lots of souvenirs to buy there. Everywhere wonderful decoration and architecture. The cities themselves were surprisingly modern and showed evidence of their Soviet past.

Most Inspirational Moment

At Almaluu yurt camp in the middle of nowhere I had the unbelievable experience of meeting the Kyrgyz lady who actually made the 2 felt rugs I have at home. How amazing is that?! She recognised her designs from my photos. She gave the group an evening workshop on rug making and that was my very special moment.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Vitaly and Dilshod both excellent and informative leaders. Dilshod dealt with a lost passport, lost phone and forgotten rucksack with calm efficiency. And quickly found taxis for the group in torrential rain after the light show in Samarkand.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Have good strong wheels on your suitcase because much walking with your luggage crossing borders and train tracks. Watch the Kyrgyz film 'The Queen of The Mountains' on you tube before you go for some epic history (and you visit her statue.) Felt very safe in all the Stans visited. Raincoat essential. Eating out inexpensive.

Amazing Experience1

An amazing experience travelling through Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan which delivered on every level.

Most Inspirational Moment

The Islamic art & architecture was absolutely stunning, enhanced by the pure scale. It was full of wonder, beauty & awe as the history of the buildings were told. It would be wrong to select one place which was more outstanding than the others as they all had their individual characteristics, history and beauty. Kyrgyzstan was the most memorable and fascinating to visit as it was probably the most unknown. The Russian influence is intertwined in the daily lives of the people together with the diversity of the people & their culture. It is very traditional, hard for many as it follows an ‘old’ pattern of life. The country is very rural with beautiful snow capped mountains and plains. It was refreshing and a privilege to experience different aspects including sleeping and eating in a yurt, and hunting with eagles.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our two leaders Vitaliy, for the first week and Dilshod for the second week were both excellent. They had a very in-depth knowledge and understanding of the history and culture of the countries visited. Their delivery was excellent as they shared the love they have for their countries and people. They both had the same message of wanting to share their beautiful countries and their cultures with us. They were both aware of different needs within the group making the whole experience accessible to all. Their timings and planning were impeccable delivering a wide range of activities and sights.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The trip is full on with little time for resting which we expected. The food is quite different with a lot of meat, and dishes, courses served at different times. It was a real local experience and good fun exploring cuisines with many cultural influences. English is not widely spoken but with help from the leaders it was fine. There was very little internet as we travelled but the coaches did have wi fi. Charging points on the coaches would have been useful as phones soon ran out of charge taking so many photos. The temperature range was wide high from 31c+ down to 5c at night in the mountains so come with layers but not too many as travelling on the lighter size is more manageable. It was easy to change currency as you moved between the countries and both guides made sure you had opportunities to change money. We took dollars plus a credit card as a reserve. Credit cards were generally accepted in the towns/cities visited.

Exceeded all my expectations

This is an incredible trip visiting 3 Stans. The scenery and hiking in Kyrgyzstan was spectacular and the Eagle hunter experience was a real highlight. All of the countries were fascinating and our guides Vitaliy and Dilshod were very knowledgable and gave us an interesting insight and history of each country. Visiting Samarkand and Bukhara was one of the reasons I went on this trip and the architecture is spectacular. Be prepared for hot days especially in Uzbekistan.

Most Inspirational Moment

The Eagle hunter and Samarkand

Thoughts on Group Leader

Very good guide with good knowledge and language

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be aware of altitude in Kyrgyzstan It is very hot in Uzbekistan