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Turtle, Ecuador


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Getting up close with the Incas

Great trip – wonderful hiking and views

Most Inspirational Moment

through the sun gate

Thoughts on Group Leader

Very knowledgeable and helpful - taking into account all abilities of group

Advice for Potential Travellers

Wonderful experience

The Journey is the destination!

The 4 days hiking through the ever changing landscape from cactus lined trails over windswept mountain passes and through the damp cloud forest made the arrival at the sun gate extra special. 
It is physically challenging,  but the viws, the history and especially the team on the ground making this holiday happen were just amazing!

Most Inspirational Moment

The 2nd day, climbing and descending from dead women pass. Wilmer our guide was great in giving support and encouragement! Also, the reed islands on Lake Titicaca,  its a very special place and I am thankful for the people sharing a glimpses of their past & present lives. (I had a little VIP tour)

Thoughts on Group Leader

Wilmer, is simply the best! I could not have asked for a better group leader. He stood out for his knowledge, enthusiasm and genuinely caring nature.  He ensured we were all ok throughout and was always there for an encouraging word, sharing information or simply answering questions. On a practical note, he was well organised and his timings were impeccable - I was very impressed!

Advice for Potential Travellers

The journey is the destination!

A fantastic guide

I found hiking the trail a real challenge but our guide Holger Collantes, and his assistant Mel, were just amazing. Their support and encouragement got me through. They really were the best! Holger was also an absolute mine of information about Peru – there were no questions he couldn’t answer. The Inca remains and, of course, Machu Picchu itself were magical. The people, the food … all incredible.

Most Inspirational Moment

Completing the trail.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Amazing. He always went above and beyond what was necessary to make sure we were all happy and well cared for.

Just amazing!!!

This trip was fantastic from start to finish. Really well organised by Exodus. We loved every minute of this trip, the Inca sites you visit along the way and the amazing scenery just make this amazing, it really does make it about the whole 4 days of hiking rather than just the last one when you arrive at Macchu Picchu. We were lucky to be hiking with a fantastic group of people and our guide and porters were incredible. The chefs and porters deserve a special mention, the food was incredible, and arriving at camp every day to find everything set up and a drink waiting for us made it feel much more like glamping!!

Most Inspirational Moment

Hard to say, on the last day of hiking the guide for us up early to climb a little higher and we watched the sun come up over a glacier, the porters arrived with hot tea and it just felt a little unreal and magical. Of course arriving after 4 days of hiking to see Macchu Picchu below you is incredible.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Bruce was AMAZING, nothing was too much trouble and he knew so much not just about Incas but about all the flowers and everything we saw along the way, it really made the trip.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Go prepared for an adventure, and ladies take loo roll in your back pack everywhere, it's often in short supply!!!

Very beautiful and interesting trip

The views on the trek were really wonderful, Cusco is a beautiful city. There is lots to see on this trip.

Most Inspirational Moment

Reaching the top on the 2nd day of the hike was a big sense of achievement.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Tina is very kind and friendly. She did a very good job of looking after us and checking that we were managing with the altitude.

Advice for Potential Travellers

One little thing, the kit list is missing toilet paper. Of course you can get it there but I would have preferred to know in advance that you need some for the trek! And yes it really is that cold at night you definitely need to bring properly warm clothes. Walking poles are marked as optional but we wouldn’t have made it without them! The amount of stuff you are allowed for the trek is quite small, smaller than it sounds anyway, so plan carefully.

Amazing Adventure!

A wonderful trip which was superbly organised.

Most Inspirational Moment

Arriving at the Sun Gate at the end of our trek and glimpsing Machu Picchu below was an emotional moment. Arriving at the summit of Dead Woman’s Pass on day 2 was also special. Both of these moments were enhanced by sharing the experience with a lovely group of fellow travellers.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Julio was a wonderful leader. Organised, knowledgable, friendly and empathetic, his skill in leading our group was superb from beginning to end. As a group, we knew we were in safe hands. He was very ably assisted by Anthony, whose easy going, friendly personality really added to the group dynamic.

Advice for Potential Travellers

This trek is graded as ‘moderate’ but day 2 of the trek to Dead Woman’s Pass is quite a challenge, especially in the hot weather in which we were ascending. Combine that with the effects of altitude, and putting in some training, in advance of the trip, is definitely useful. Give yourself an extra day in Cuzco prior to the beginning of the trip if possible. It definitely helped me adjust to the altitude. On the trek itself, walking poles are invaluable. Even members of our group who normally don’t use them, found them very useful in the descents. Although some snacks are provided on the trek, I would recommend taking more. The food prepared by the chefs is excellent (especially given the facilities they have at their disposal) but you’ll burn a lot of calories and I found I needed extra snacks. Finally, if you are travelling as I did in July, the night time temperatures really do drop. I used all my extra layers to keep warm.

Inca Trail incomfort and Amazon extension

Amazing and challenging adventure! We did the Inca Trail in comfort with the Amazon extension.

Most Inspirational Moment

Walking through the Sun Gate together as a group after 4 tough days of trekking and seeing Machu Picchu come into view. Our amazing, strong and cheerful porters. Respect! Our leaders Julio, Anthony and Roldan. Jungle wildlife.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Julio and Anthony on the Inca Trail were outstanding. Friendly, approachable, kind and supportive. Julio also very good back in Cusco etc. Lots of recommendations and advice. All clearly explained. He even came with us to the airport when we left for the Amazon. Could not fault them! Roldan for the Amazon extension. From the moment he met us at the airport he really looked after us. His knowledge and care he has for the jungle are second to none. We were so fortunate to have him as our guide.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Embrace the adventure! Look for Exodus sign outside the airport. Do not be taken in by random people who approach you in the airport with offers of help. If you can give yourself an extra day in Cusco to get over the flights. Do the Inkan Milky Way walking tour. Ask for a room at the rear or side of the hotel if you are not used to traffic noise! Stick to kit list. We didn't take rain ponchos but had it rained in the Amazon it would have been useful. Take lots of snacks for the treks (some is provided but you may want more!). Bring inflatable pillow for the Inca camping. Altitude: we took diamox, bought local product recommended to inhale and avoided alcohol to start with and were fine!

Fantastic, well organised trekking holiday.

Great guide (Mike) who was very knowledgeable, great fun and very helpful to everyone in the group. Porters and food provided on the trek itself were outstanding. Weather was generally very good which obviously helped our enjoyment and the scenery stunning. We were also fortunate enough to see a spectacled bear on the “run up” to Dead Woman’s Pass. An experience you will remember for the rest of your life – no matter how young you are!

Most Inspirational Moment

The final morning when we got up at 5.30am to stand above the clouds and witness snow-clad mountain peaks in the early dawn sunshine.

Thoughts on Group Leader

A1. We could not have had better. He went the extra mile. He emphasised the entire trek was our holiday - not just the final destination. How right he was.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Warm thermals at night time essential. Altitude is a problem to some degree for most people - Mike provided a herbal decongestant to rub on our palms and inhale. A decongestant would probably be useful to pack - a bunged up nose is not conducive to good sleep at any altitude.

Inca Warriors

Fabulous trip; very well organised and executed by Exodus.

Most Inspirational Moment

View of Machu Picchu from Sun Gate

Thoughts on Group Leader

Awesome. Mike is best tour guide ever. Well organised, efficient, calm in the face of problems, good humoured at all times, great company, knowledgable and informative.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Better exchange rate in Peru than in UK and several bureaux d'echange in Cusco accept sterling, which would save losing twice on exchange rate, so wait until arrival to buy currency if you will have time before setting off on trek. Try to obtain several single sols as most public toilets cost one sol. If you take photos of people they will expect a sol. Don't underestimate amount of tipping: we each tipped support staff (porters and chefs) around 250 sols between them and the assistant guide around 80 sols for the 4 day trek. We each tipped the main guide about 150 sols, which was recommended by Trip Adviser and on the assumption that he got paid more by Exodus but, with hindsight, perhaps we should have given him more given how hard he worked and how much value he added to the whole trip. A lightweight lamp for your tent would be useful as there isn't much daylight left when you arrive at camp and you get up in the dark. A headtorch is essential and either a spare or spare batteries. I think more people who didn't take Diamox felt unwell than who did so, on balance, I would say take it. I wouldn't recommend coca leaves, though, as I suspect they gave me a headache (and they taste disgusting). We had the opportunity to leave stuff at the hotel in Ollantaytambo whilst on trek and pick it up after the trek before going onto Aguas Callientes, where we spent 2 nights instead of 1 because of a rail strike, so it is probably worth leaving a set of clean clothes there. Eating out is very good value. Meals at non-touristy restaurants cost under 50 sols including a drink. Touristy restaurants c 70-80 sols, including a drink. A local beer costs 6-8 s, a glass of wine or pisco sour 15-20 s. If you want to try guinea pig, do so at the restaurant recommended by the tour guide. Alpaca is good at most restaurants. Souvenirs at markets are good value. I think I spent 1300 sols in total, including 5 hats and a scarf, meals and tips.

The Inca Trail in Comfort 30 May departure & Lake Titicaca Extension

This was a brilliant trip. The Inca Trail in Comfort was well organised & a good mix of trekking and sightseeing. Our guide, Mike, was great & the camping porter team were inspiring. The camp chef provided excellent meals. The hotels were comfortable & the camping was as good as camping gets. The group gelled well together.
The Lake Titicaca Extension is also well worth doing and good value.
We were very happy with all aspects of the trip & would recommend it to anyone with a reasonable level of fitness.

Most Inspirational Moment

I loved the whole trek: highlights included the first view of Machu Picchu from the Sun Gate, the spectacled bear we saw from the trail, reaching the top of dead Woman's Pass, the view from our camp site on the last morning, rowing a reed boat on Lake Titicaca ...

Thoughts on Group Leader

Mike was a brilliant leader. He is extremely knowledgeable and was keen to share with us. He is friendly to all and certainly helped the group to gel. He is considerate of the needs of the group and provided help when appropriate to those who needed it. He organised the trek well and kept the group together. He organised a variety of restaurants for lunch & dinner, all good, and even booked us a restaurant in Puno (Titicaca extension) which was an excellent recommendation. He is considerate of health and safety, the environment and the local community. Mike was great and we were very lucky to have him as our group leader. Davis and the camp team were also very good.

Advice for Potential Travellers

This is a brilliant trip - book it as long as you have a reasonable level of fitness and enjoy walking, (and don't have bad knees - there are a lot of steps). Bring good walking boots, well worn in. Use poles (you can hire locally, or buy in UK for similar price - must be telescopic / adjustable with rubber ends.) If leave is not a concern, consider arriving a day early in Cuzco to acclimatise. Bring a good head torch. We didn't go to the hot springs so no need to carry swimming costume / large towel / flip flops on trek. Hotel Casa Andina (Aguas Calientes) provided shampoo so no need to carry on trek. We could have left some stuff in Hotel Pakaripampu (Ollantaytamo) before the trek, to collect after Machu Picchu on way back to Cuzco. Minimise the weight in your ruck sack. If leave is not a concern - the Lake Titicaca extension is excellent value. Don't be put off by the drive - it's in a comfortable coach & includes 4 stops & lunch. Don't under estimate the amount you need for tipping. Although the exchange rate is better in Cuzco it's convenient to arrive with a little local money. The exchange rate was approximately the same changing pounds into dollars in UK then changing the dollars into sols in Cuzco as it was to change pounds directly into sols in Cuzco. However all the exchange outlets would exchange dollars (including very near hotel San Agustin Plaza) but they didn't all exchange pounds. Western Union in Main Square exchanges pounds. We spent approx 1450 sols per person for 11 nights (incl 1 night in Cuzco pre tour & Titicaca extension). If you do the Titicaca extension, include the reed boat ride, and book the Balcons de Puna restaurant for dinner & floorshow.