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Borneo Tours

Borneo Holidays

Our Top Borneo Tours


Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula

Orangutans in Borneo
14 Days from USD 3,448
USD 3,270

Guided Group (Excl. Flights)

Discover Borneo and Malaysia's incredible diversity


Borneo Wildlife Discoverer

Borneo Orangutan
15 Days from USD 5,998
USD 5,700

Guided Group (Excl. Flights)

Showcasing the best of Borneo – wildlife, rainforests and beaches


Borneo Wildlife Family Holiday

Indonesia, Borneo - Young Orangutan sitting on the tree, Malaysia
12 Days from USD 2,998
USD 2,700

Borneo's wonders: apes, monkeys, mini elephants & lush forests!


Trekking Borneo & Beyond

14 Days from USD 4,273
USD 4,065

Guided Group (Excl. Flights)

Explore lands and jungles of Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula

Walking & Trekking

Activities in Borneo

The Borneo Big 5

Orangutan: Witnessing an orangutan in its natural habitat is one of the most incredible wildlife experiences you can have. Our tours are designed to take you closer to their natural environment so that you can observe how they behave in the wild. Danum Valley is one of the best places in Borneo to see orangutans in the wild as you walk along lofty rainforest canopies.

On our Borneo Wildlife Discoverer trip, you’ll also get to visit the Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary where orphans are rehabilitated so they can be released back into the wild. It’s fascinating to see these beautiful animals close up and learn about how they’re trained to climb.

Pygmy Elephant: If you’re going on one of our wildlife holidays to Borneo, this magnificent animal is probably at the top of your list of things to see. Bornean elephants, also known as pygmy elephants, are indigenous to Borneo and are much smaller that Indian elephants as well as being behaviourally and physically different.

On our tours, we take you to some of the best elephant-viewing locations. The Kinabatangan River is home to one of the largest populations of pygmy elephants. They often come down to the river to drink and this is an amazing sight to behold. Danum Valley is another great place to go in search of the pygmy elephant in Malaysia and is one of Asia’s last remaining lowland rainforests.

Proboscis Monkey: The proboscis monkey is endemic to Borneo’s rainforests, and it can be identified by its extraordinarily large nose, which they use to attract their mates. You’re most likely to find the proboscis monkey swinging through the jungle canopies or climbing trees around rivers and mangroves. Our Borneo wildlife trips include a visit to Bako National Park which is renowned for its proboscis monkeys. The only way you can reach here is by boat and the entire adventure is unforgettable. You can also visit the Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary where they are cared for in the heart of Semawang’s mangrove forests.

Estuarine Crocodile: Found slinking through mangrove swamps and mudflats that can be found along the rivers of Bako and Santubong, the Estuarine Crocodiles are saltwater crocodiles and are the world’s largest river predator which can grow to over 6 metres in length. While you wouldn’t want to get too close up (although you could probably outrun one in a race!), to see them in their natural habitat is a thrilling experience. Our holidays incorporate trips to Sarawak and the Kinabatangan River providing you with the best opportunities to spot these deadly creatures in the wild.

Rhinoceros Hornbill: Our Borneo tours are brimming with wildlife and the country is home to a staggering eight species of hornbill. The rhinoceros hornbill is found in rainforests and lowlands of Borneo and Sarawak has been nicknamed the ‘Land of the Hornbills’ and since 1998, the rhinoceros hornbill has been under protection. It was believed by the people of Sarawak that this majestic bird had mythical powers and often they were sacrificed by pagans who wore their unusual and distinctive yellow and orange beak on a necklace. On our Borneo Wildlife Discoverer trip, you’ll visit Mulu National Park, home to 262 species of bird, including the rhinoceros hornbill.

An amazing two weeks – first half spotting wildlife in the Borneo rainforest then a week on the mainland visiting colonial towns and modern cities. A perfect blend of two holidays merged into one. A full on itinerary but never felt too rushed, the hotels were mainly very good, the exception being the final hotel in Langkawi which in my opinion is in dire need of some refurbishement, a bit of a disappointment after the lovely hotel in Penang. Food was good with an exceptional group meal on the final night in Langkawi. Most trips were included in price only additional cost was the cable car and mangrove tour in Langawi both of which were worth doing. Melaka was great fun, a little bit bonkers and very lively night life, a real culture shock after our time in the simple lodges in the Borneo rainforest. We also took a 2nd trishaw tour in Penang to see the street art, not included in trip but we all really enjoyed it and saw a lot more than on foot as quite a big town. For a bit of luxury try the cocktails or afternoon tea at the Eastern and Oriental hotel in Penang (think Raffles in Singapore). A really lovely group of people helped make this one of my most memorable holidays. My first time on an organised tour but I’m a convert and this wont be my last.

Sian Allen Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula

What can I say – what an amazing trip. From start to finish we were incredibly lucky with what we saw and the encounters we had. Starting in Bako NP, we saw wild proboscis monkey and were treated to a rare sighting of a Colugo (flying lemur) taking flight over our heads during the day. On the way back on the boat, we were even treated to a viewing of pink dolphins.

In Mulu, the caves were beautiful and great fun to walk through. Although we were supposedly there during the ‘dry’ season, climate change has made the weather much more unpredictable. We had lovely weather both mornings, but torrential rain in the afternoons and overnight, so much so that the bats stayed inside the cave on the first night. Patience and a willingness to walk in the rain with crossed fingers paid off on the second night, and we were treated to a spectacular bat exodus during sunset. The weather is very changeable in Mulu (and Borneo in general) so even if it looks as though it may be too wet for the bats, I would recommend heading to the viewing area anyway as you never know! Even in the rain, the air temperature is warm and you dry off quickly.

Moving to Sabah, the highlights have to be the Kinabatangan River and Danum Valley. Both were so rich in wildlife and we had such amazing viewings in both locations. The Orangutan and Proboscis monkey sanctuaries are great and do fabulous work, but nothing compares to seeing these animals truly out in the wild. We were incredibly lucky with our sightings and saw not only the Borneo Big 5 (orangutan, proboscis monkey, crocodile, rhinoceros hornbill and pygmy elephant) but a huge array of other primates and birds (long and short tail macaques, gibbons, silver and red leaf monkeys, flying squirrels, owls, civets, slow loris, eagles, deer and many more) . Particularly in Danum Valley, take the opportunity to do as much as possible. There are a couple of places on the track and boardwalk that you can go independently providing the sun is up. A few of us in the group met up at 6am on both mornings in Danum and we were rewarded with a group of gibbons eating and playing in the trees on both mornings – a sight not repeated during the day. Seize every opportunity and just explore and enjoy.

Angela Beckwith Borneo Wildlife Discoverer

Where are the best places to visit in Borneo?

One of the best places to visit in Borneo is Mount Kinabalu, the highest peak in Southeast Asia, boasting breathtaking views and challenging treks. Nature lovers will be in their element at Danum Valley, a pristine rainforest teeming with diverse flora and fauna, while the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Bako and Mulu national parks are famous for their caves, unique rock formations and rich biodiversity. Other must-visit destinations include Sepilok which is famous for its orangutan rehabilitation centre, and Labuk Bay Sanctuary where you’ll have the chance to observe proboscis monkeys in their natural habitat.

How can I explore the wildlife on Borneo trips?

Borneo is a pure paradise for wildlife lovers, with once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to see orangutans, pygmy elephants, proboscis monkeys and a variety of bird species in the wild. The best ways to get up close to the wildlife in Borneo is on guided jungle treks, river cruises and wildlife safaris led by our experienced guides who can help you spot some of the more elusive creatures in their natural habitat. You’ll also stay in various accommodations in the heart of the jungle, so you’ll have a greater chance of witnessing the magnificent creatures.

FAQs on Borneo Holidays

When is the best time for Borneo holidays?

Borneo experiences a tropical climate with high humidity and rainfall throughout the year. The best time to visit Borneo is during the dry season, which typically runs from March to October. This period is generally sunny with pleasant weather, making it ideal for outdoor activities and wildlife spotting. Although the rainy season falls between November and January, you can expect rain showers at any time, so be prepared and make sure you pack a waterproof jacket!

What cultural experiences can I have in Borneo?

Borneo isn’t all about the wildlife, you’ll also have the opportunity to discover the rich cultural heritage that blends ancient traditions and indigenous communities. Home to a diverse melting pot of indigenous tribes, each with its own unique culture, traditions and beliefs, Borneo invites you to immerse yourself in local cultures by visiting traditional longhouses, attending cultural performances and sampling some of the delicious street foods that can be smelt wafting through the air of the bustling markets.

What should I pack for Borneo holidays?

When packing for a trip to Borneo, it’s essential to pack lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for the tropical climate. Other essential items you should pack include sunscreen, insect repellent, sturdy hiking shoes, a waterproof jacket, a hat and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated in the tropical heat.

What is the food like in Borneo?

Borneo is the largest island in Asia and is renowned for its rich and diverse cuisine that reflects the unique cultural blend of its indigenous tribes. Traditional Borneo food is made up of a delightful array of flavours, using fresh ingredients sourced from the lush rainforests and surrounding waters. From the famous ambuyat made from sago palm to the flavourful jungle ferns stir-fried with belacan shrimp paste, the authentic cuisine showcases a vibrant fusion of herbs, spices and cooking techniques. Many of the staple dishes include noodles, prawns and grilled fish. Each dish tells a story of heritage and tradition, inviting you to savour the exotic tastes of this enchanting island.

What outdoor activities can I enjoy in Borneo?

Owing to its stunning landscapes, Borneo offers a wide range of outdoor activities for adventure seekers, including mountain climbing, jungle trekking, river rafting, snorkelling and diving. And of course, you can’t visit Borneo without going in a wildlife adventure in search of native animals such as proboscis monkeys, wild macaques and crocodiles on a river cruise. Snorkelling is a great way to get up close to the colourful marine life and explore the kaleidoscopic underwater realms.

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