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Hydration: we all need it. But what’s the best way to make sure you’re always drinking enough safe water when you’re travelling?
Much as we’d like it to be otherwise, there are some places where you simply cannot drink the tap water without risking some pretty nasty side effects. So what is the best way for you to stay hydrated on your next adventure – with a clear conscience?
The Best Ways to Stay Hydrated

A surprisingly high number of people distrust this option, believing sealed mineral water to be safer. However, the boiled water is exactly the same as the water that goes into any teas, coffees or cooked meals, so in fact, it is a bit of a misnomer thinking that avoiding it will help prevent sickness.
How It Works All you have to do is ask for some hot water. The water is boiled up in huge batches, then stored in gigantic 3-litre thermos flasks until it’s requested. They’ll fill your bottle up to the brim and you’re ready to roll.
Advantages – Litre for litre it costs exactly the same as mineral water, or less, or is provided by Exodus – Provides income for local people.
Disadvantages – Comes hot. This is perfect for a homemade hot water bottle overnight, or for a nice cup of warm water on a cold night in the mountains, but not so great when you’re trekking in the daytime. The solution is to bring a second water bottle, so you can have one bottle cooling down whilst you drink from the other.
Buy Online for 15% off
Exodus has partnered up with Cotswold Outdoors to offer you a fantastic 15% off all full-price purchases so you can get kitted out for your next adventure. Cotswold Outdoors sells the products featured in this article, along with a wide range of outdoor equipment and clothing.
Traveller’s Against Plastic
Exodus is proud to have taken the Travellers Against Plastic pledge! As proud supporters of Travellers Against Plastic (TAP) we’re doing all we can to prevent the use of single-use plastic on all our tours. As of 2018, we’re proud to say that 99% of Exodus group trips offer an alternative to purchasing single-use plastic mineral water bottles.
Now that you’ve got safe water drinking options, take a look at some of our trips below and prepare for your adventure.