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On 19 March 2016, in the remote village of Thulopatel in Nepal, something unusual was happening. The ordinarily quiet village was waking up to find a small queue beginning to form on the road leading to the village.
Some were hobbling, some were led by the hand and some had to be carried by the rest of their family. Many had to walk for hours, some for two days, just to be there on that day.
People continued to trickle in and the queue grew longer and longer until hundreds of people were patiently lined up outside a newly erected tented field hospital, awaiting treatment.

Nepal Earthquake Appeal
This was the start of Exodus’ Medical Camp in Nepal. Funded by the generous donations from Exodus travellers to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal, which totals over a quarter of a million pounds, the medical camp was planned with a long-term goal in mind.

This camp was not focused solely on helping those injured in the quake, or just a knee-jerk reaction. It wasn’t about helping for the next ten minutes. It was about initiating change that would make a difference for the next ten years.

Problems like cataracts, hernias and back issues from many years of carrying heavy loads are commonplace in these mountain communities, where medical assistance is almost impossible to come by and the hospitals are prohibitively far away. We fixed that problem by bringing the doctors to them.

A team of doctors, nurses and medical staff from Kathmandu travelled the six hours from the capital to the remote village, where for three days they treated all manner of complaints of people from all over the valley.
More than 1,130 people received treatment during that time, ranging from dental check-ups to life-changing surgery to restore eyesight.

“It was incredible,” said our very own videographer Olly Pemberton, who travelled out from the UK office to observe the camp.
“We were changing people’s lives in front of my eyes.” Every photo in this article was taken during the three day camp by Olly, who also made this short video about the camp. It is three minutes of very powerful stuff.
Take a look at our trips below to Nepal and discover this incredible country for yourself.