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Turtle, Ecuador


Your Words – We tell it like it is! Holiday Reviews by previous Exodus travellers  

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Cape Town to Victoria Falls

The adventure was amazing. Small group of 11. Everyday was so different from the last. I really liked driving through the countries even though sometimes the roads weren’t the best (was prepared for that). The wildlife we saw was beautiful! The hotels were fine.

Most Inspirational Moment

Watching the lions walk near us and the cubs playing with each other!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Peter and Ende were great! Boy, they could spot wildlife! They were good cooks for our breakfasts and lunches!

Advice for Potential Travellers

We were advised to take a soft kit (duffle bag). Everyone had a suitcase with wheels. Leave the duffle bag at home! Credit cards worked every where and ATM’s were available.

Well planned Trip, left room for improvements

The trip was good but definitely not in Top 3 on my Exodus Trips. Despite what the Trip Notes and Exodus description might say about this trip it is actually all about Namibia with very brief drive throughs in South Africa and Botswana. So this trip is great for all those who want to see and experience Namibia as the vast majority of the trip is spent there. The itinerary for the trip was good but this time it really felt someone had decided to play the scrooge. Some of the hotels were clearly sub-standard. When you send people to a land tour at the time when it is almost 40 degrees outside and if you pay almost 5,000 pounds for the trip, you are entitled to expect working air-conditioning. Especially the Seeheim Hotel in Namibia was rubbish. Same applies to the vehicle used on this trip. Our truck broke down three times during the trip and again, no air-conditioning on the truck. If Exodus really wants to do this cheap and cheerful style, then by all means but based on my previous trips I expected more and this was disappointing. Some of the items on the Trip Notes did not materialise either, for example there was no vineyard visit in South Africa. So Exodus might check a bit better as to what to include in the Itinerary or Trip Notes. And it is a bit weird to finish the tour on Victoria Falls if you do not even include the visit / entrance in the falls. That is the main reason to go to that city in Zimbabwe. Having said that, there were plenty of good things on this trip as well and if Namibia is what you want to see, then this trip has it in abundance. Stunning country. Especially Fish River Canyon was very impressive, so was Etosha National Park. Swakopmund was great too! But do not go to this trip if it is Botswana, South Africa or Zimbabwe you want to see. There are better trips to see those countries than this one. At the end of the day, this trip is about Namibia, no matter what the Trip Notes or Exodus description might suggest. But we had a great gang on this trip and Jonathan and LeRoy did great job!

Most Inspirational Moment

Etosha National Park was great and probably my favourite part of the trip! We saw so much wildlife there. Fish River Canyon was also very impressive and I really liked the Orange River canoe trip.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Jonathan and LeRoy did the best they could in sometimes tough conditions. They worked hard and were fun to travel with. No bad thing to say about them. Really nice guys both of them.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be prepared for lots of early starts / wake-ups and long days in the truck. Take some good reading or iPad with you to keep yourself entertained during the long drives in the desert. Good walking shoes will take a long way on this trip. And don't take this trip if you are more interested in Botswana or Zimbabwe or South Africa than Namibia. The first mentioned countries will be swept through on this trip.

Review Centre
Reply from Exodus

We appreciate you taking the time to leave a review, Juho, and particularly for sharing such positive feedback about our local team. On the other hand, we are genuinely sorry that you were disappointed with aspects of your accommodation. At the end of every season, our product managers and local managers review all feedback from clients and staff who have undertaken trips, to see where improvements can be made, and there is always scrutiny on Southern Africa as we send so many groups to this part of the world. While the majority of our clients who travelled on this tour in 2022 rated the accommodation as either “Good” or “Excellent” in our Holiday Evaluation Forms, which makes us confident that that the hotels, lodges and guesthouses used on this trip meet the 2/3* standards we expect, we have spoken to the management of the Seeheim Hotel about your comments to give them the opportunity to make changes. We have subsequently received much better feedback about this property, which, for context, is used for a one-night stopover and has a great location nearby Fish River Canyon, which means shorter driving times at the end of a busy day.

We are further sorry to learn that you felt your vehicle was unsuitable and broke down several times, as I can appreciate this must have been extremely frustrating. We highlight in our trip literature that roads in Namibia are punishing on vehicles, and we are aware that surfaces have deteriorated in recent years, but it is unusual for so many breakdowns to occur on one trip. We have followed up with our local manager on the issues your group encountered and hope that future groups will have a smoother experience; we realise this cannot change things for you, however, and we remain apologetic for the disruption caused to your trip.


John Penge, Product Manager

Cape Town to vic falls

A great full on trip seeing loads of animals, meeting many different local people.

Most Inspirational Moment

Visiting townships and meeting locals, especially the children who were genuinely pleased to see us.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Very knowledgeable and caring, we were invited to a leaders home in a township for dinner, very good evening with singing and dancing.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Prepare for early starts, don’t pack non essentials, take $US and use atms.

Cape Town to Victoria Falls Lodging

Have just completed this epic journey and can honestly say it’s been one of the most memorable trips I’ve ever taken. It’s really more of an expedition than a holiday, but for that very reason delivers so much. We covered around 5600km in 3 weeks so that involves a lot of early starts and long days spent bumping about on dusty, rocky roads. The diversity of experience however makes it totally worthwhile – from the hustle and bustle of Cape Town to the red sands of Namibia and the quiet majesty of the Okavango Delta.

Most Inspirational Moment

For me, the most inspirational moment was when our guide Timon organised for us to have dinner with a local family in one of the townships in Swakopmund. I have never been made to feel so welcome by complete strangers in my entire life. The memory of the hospitality, good humour, excellent food and crazy dancing will stay with me to the end of my days.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Timon was absolutely superb, demonstrating great patience, empathy and outstanding leadership throughout. Some of my best memories are as a result of the nights we spent listening to his stories from years of experience in the tourism industry - all told with such energy and genuine enthusiasm. He was also an exceptional cook - anyone who can rustle up Chicken A La King from the back of a truck in the dust and heat in the middle of nowhere gets my seal of approval! A real asset to Exodus.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Please, please come with an open mind and prepare to step out of your comfort zone. You will stay in a variety of places - some very comfortable, some less so .... they’ll all be clean and safe. That’s all you need. Also, take the advice of your guide/s. They are all well trained and know the conditions/circumstances on the ground. You’ll get so much more out of the trip if you just go with the flow and let them lead the way.

An exciting three-week trip

This was a wonderful introduction to Southern Africa. Although there were some long days travelling, the constantly changing scenery in Namibia was a delight, and we gained an appreciation of the vastness and emptiness of the country. The bus was noisy but not uncomfortable, and with eleven members of the party, there was plenty of room for us to move around. We had a brief introduction to the Cape Town area, then travelled north firstly through farmland in South Africa, and then through the wonderful Namibian desert scenery before spending a few days observing the wild animals in Etosha (Namibia) and then in Chobe (Botswana). Victoria Falls made a spectacular end to our trip.

Most Inspirational Moment

My main reason for choosing this trip was to see the desert landscape in Namibia and visit Victoria Falls, both of which exceeded my expectations. The scenery in Sossusvlei and Deadvlei was spectacular. However, I was bowled over by the variety of wildlife we saw on game drives in Etosha, and very much enjoyed observing the interactions between animals at the waterholes.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Jonathan (our leader) and Molifi (our driver) made a good team. They were well-organised and despite being on duty virtually all the time, they were both unfailingly cheerful and helpful. They prepared some excellent lunches and suppers for us, and did their best to make sure that we got the most out of our African experience.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Unemployment is very high in Zimbabwe and most people are very poor; we left all our partly-used toiletries, dressings, basic medicines and even some clothing to be distributed by a local charity. Had we realised how short most people are of basic necessities, we would have made sure we had more with us to leave there. Zimbabwe is expensive and cash is not available from ATMs. The border crossing into Zimbabwe was frustrating, and we had to queue for well over two hours in the hot sun. Make sure you are adequately prepared for the wait (sunscreen, hats, drinks).

Cape Town to Vic Falls

We thoroughly enjoyed this adventure! Our driver guides Jonathan and Ante worked long hours driving us and cooking our food, they were humorous and informative keeping 16 of us in line. Our group was a great bunch which made the driving times (which are VERY LONG) quite fun. There is a lot of “Bushy Bushy” stops along the way. All the accommodations were great. The only complaint I would have is that the “:Stevie” bus was not Air Conditioned, it was a very HOT drive in the Namibian Desert with no AC. Also no one was told there would be an extra cost for the safari drives in Etosha Park which was $100.00 US each. I also feel the amounts of money in the Trip Notes is way off base, you will need a lot more than what is recommended.

Most Inspirational Moment

Chobe and Etosha Park

Thoughts on Group Leader

Both Jonathan and Ante were Fantastic

Advice for Potential Travellers

See above notes

An Amazing and Incredibly diverse Adventure

This trip was the ultimate collection of culture, animals and sightseeing. From metropolitan Cape Town to the beauty and remoteness of Namibia’s deserts and sand dunes, the thrill of game drives and the beauty of Victoria falls, this trip has it all.

Most Inspirational Moment

Climbing Dune 45 in a sandstorm or feeling the rain of Victoria Falls covering you under a lunar rainbow were incredible highlights.

Thoughts on Group Leader

I've been on many group tours and Andrew and Ende have to be some of the best guides I've ever had. Inspiring, hard working and patient as well as able to overcome anything Africa and her bumpy roads had to throw at us. These two were excellent.

Advice for Potential Travellers

TIA. This is Africa. Be open to the fact that this country is incredibly different from where you might be from and enjoy every part of that experience. It's a completely different culture and world and embracing that gives you a one of a kind experience and memories that will last lifetime.

An amazing overland adventure

This trip lived up to our expectations and we thoroughly enjoyed it! The lodges and hotels were all very different and on the whole of a good standard. Beds were clean and comfortable. The journey is over 5000km in total, therefore includes long days, often over bumpy unmetalled roads. Included activities were varied and enjoyable. Some early starts but these were all for good reasons!

Most Inspirational Moment

Climbing dune 45 at Soussosviel in the early morning followed by an al fresco breakfast

Thoughts on Group Leader

Cesar was a genial and friendly leader who looked after us well. He helped us along the way, especially by facilitating the border crossings. His communication skills were good.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Think carefully about the distances involved. This is a classic overland trip and 5000km is what you sign up for. Check up on currencies for each country before you go. At present S Africa rand is readily accepted in Namibia. Take plenty of US dollars for Zimbabwe. It is an expensive country. Be prepared for regular early starts.

Cape Town to Victoria Falls - Lodge

This was a fantastic trip. It involved a lot of driving through the virtually uninhabited desert of Namibia, along mainly unpaved ‘corrugated’ roads which provided a great deal of ‘African massage’. Potential travelers should be prepared for this experience but the desert scenery is ever changing as are the colors. You certainly gain a very real appreciation for the size of the country.
For me the first memorable activity was canoeing on the Orange River – so peaceful with amazing scenery! Fish River Canyon was also impressive.
My only real complaint is that the Trip Notes mentioned that on Day 7 we would ‘watch the early morning light creep over the dunes’ at Sossusvlei. This proved to be impossible for two reasons – one is that the park gates do not open until 7:30 am (the sun rises at about 6 am) so it would be necessary to stay inside the park overnight, the second is that we had to drive about one hour passed the park to our lodgings, so adding two hours to our already considerable drive. We ended up climbing Dune 45 in the heat of the mid-day sun. Still an incredible (and very memorably hot) experience but definitely not what we had been lead to believe.
Etosha National Park exceeded all expectations – especially at the water hole at Halali where we saw two families of elephants, rhinoceros and a leopard! Also a couple of honey badgers. Of course on safari we saw impala, zebra, giraffe, kudu, oryx, ostrich and many, many birds.
Okavango Panhandle overwhelmed us with hippos.
Chobe National Park also provided great safaris, hippos and many, many male elephants feeding at a reed bed in the middle of the Chobe River at sunset. Not to mention more birds.
We were upgraded to a 5 star hotel in Victoria Falls and the Falls definitely lived up to their reputation.

Most Inspirational Moment

The wildlife in general, the Halali water hole and the elephants in the middle of the Chobe River in particular. Also the Sossusvlei Dunes. We stayed at some really remote lodges in the middle of the desert.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Nyasha and Sam were great leaders. It seemed they never stopped working - they shared the driving and the cooking and clean up duties, loaded and unloaded the luggage, fixed a flat tire and dealt with a vehicle that was swallowing oil at an alarming rate and had to be exchanged for another mid-trip, as well as dealing with our sometimes high maintenance fellow travelers. They seemed to have encyclopedic knowledge of the flora and fauna They always managed to be cheerful and patient with positive outlooks.

Advice for Potential Travellers

If you are looking for a real African experience and have a spirit of adventure then this trip is for you. If you need to be pampered and enjoy lot of luxuries then perhaps you should pay more and choose another trip! If you decide to go, I would recommend you take the south to north option as the trip just gets better and better every day.