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Alexandria to Aswan

Excellent, well conducted trip

Most Inspirational Moment

so many - Abu Simbel and all the sights; and the activity on the streets

Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellent, well organised, knowledgeable and fun.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Stomach disorders are a fact of life for travel in countries like Egypt, no matter how careful you are. Take medication with you. Also, look carefully at airline prices to get to Egypt from UK and then subsequent taxi airport to hotel. British Airways are half the price of Egyptair; local taxi agencies compare favorably with Exodus quoted prices: $18 against $142!

Felt too rushed

We saw a lot but much of the time it seemed we were being rushed through it all. We’d get a whistle-stop tour and explanation then be told we had half an hour or so to take any photos etc. This was particularly true in the old part of Cairo, which was effectively a 15 minute trot towards the bazaar with me being told to get a move on every time I stopped to take a picture. Even the paid for optional extra trips seemed rushed. I expected to see more of the Citadel than just the mosque, for example. I’ve done a lot of full-on trips recently, and never felt so short of time on them.
In terms of the itinerary I would say that Alexandria is worthy of more than just a morning. The timing of the boat trips in Aswan didn’t work well. We arrived at the island for our ‘evening barbecue’ before 4pm, much too soon after lunch, and were gone again within an hour and back at the hotel just after 5. Edfu temple was incredibly crowded. For some reason every boat disgorges all its passengers for the same 6-7 am timeslot, then rushes on to Esna to sit in a queue for the lock for over an hour ….
All the accommodation (with the exception of the overnight train) was very good, with excellent staff and food.

Most Inspirational Moment

Deir el Medina (the workers' tombs) and Haibu temple. We did these as an alternative to Valley of the Queens because the tomb of Nefertari was closed. Much quieter than the major sites, and still vibrant colours. They are well worth seeing.

Thoughts on Group Leader

As mentioned before, the tour leader always seemed in a hurry to get through the visits. Some of his explanations were rather perfunctory, and I sometimes felt he would rather have been somewhere else. I appreciate that he was fasting for Ramadan and needed breaks for prayers and to eat at sunset, which we were happy to accommodate.

Advice for Potential Travellers

ATMs are readily available, but if you draw a large amount at one time you are likely to get it in 200 pound notes that are quite difficult to get change from - that was certainly my experience with the ATM at the first hotel. You need 10s and 5s for toilet stops. Pack essentials in your day bag for the train journey, as the luggage is stored above the top bunk making it awkward to get at.

Slightly Disappointed

Some wonderful sights and experiences but some parts fell short of my expectations . The hotels and boat were excellent but not the felucca .

Most Inspirational Moment


Thoughts on Group Leader

Generally alright but always in a rush to shorten trips. In Cairo to return to the hotel by 16:00h so he could go home and the rest of the time to finish early because of Ramadan

Advice for Potential Travellers

Avoid peak times

Historical wonders at every turn

This was overall very good, with so many wonderful historic sites to explore and gaze in awe at the immense pyramids/temples and intricately decorated tombs. For me, the Cairo part of the trip should be redesigned, and the number of optional trips greatly reduced (there are too many half/not full -even if described as such- days, with optional extras) with more incorporated into the trip.

Most Inspirational Moment

It is hard to pick just one. My favourites were probably the tomb of Seti in the Valley of the Kings and going inside the pyramid of Cheops (note that these were both optional extras but there were many inspiring moments in the standard itinerary)

Thoughts on Group Leader

Ahmed/Saleem was very good and clearly passionate about Egypt and it's wonderful history. He took very good care of the group overall . Despite his best efforts, I sometimes found it difficult to follow his explanations, and it is hard to know whether it was more him or the itinerary to blame for an issue at some sites when he would rush us around too quickly to take everything in, discouraging many photo's at that point, and then give free time to go back over a large area with insufficient time to take as many photo's as we might wish. He was not very well for several days but tried to ensure that this did not detract from our enjoyment, and he went out of his way to help when anyone had a problem.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Despite the likelihood that you might find some parts of the trip exasperating/exhausting, do not miss it! There are a lot of additional extras - optional extra trips, tips, meals which are not included etc came to around £400 each for us. Abu Simbel is well worth the effort - though there is no reason we could see for it to require the very early morning set off - we think the itinerary could be changed to allow an afternoon visit Despite the group leader (thankfully) dealing with most tips, there is still a need for tips virtually every time you go to the toilet and some difficulty keeping enough small change for this.

Alexandria to Aswan commencing 26th January 2024

A great introduction to Egypt, with a fantastic guide who really brought it to life. Always on the move, and two or three really early morning starts. Perhaps a day to long in Cairo and the food tour in Cairo was a bit disorganised/rushed. Stops on the way to Alexandria were underwhelming.

Most Inspirational Moment


Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellent, but the representatives of Sinai Travel, the in-country travel company, were pretty useless.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Do not change currency before coming to Egypt. Bring small denomination bills - USD and £ sterling.

Egypt: money advice

Alexandria to Abuu Simbel.: Egypt from top to bottom! This trip packed so much into 11 days, yet it never felt rushed. The archaeological sites are awe-inspiring, in terms of their size, antiquity and elaborate carvings and wall paintings. No amount of looking at photos will prepare you for what you see in person.

Most Inspirational Moment

Karnak and Luxor temples at night

Thoughts on Group Leader

Very good. Naiel had extensive knowledge of Egyptology - I still don't know how he remembers all of those dynasties. He was friendly and helpful throughout.

Advice for Potential Travellers

MONEY ATMs are readily available including in hotels. You can only withdraw Egyptian pounds (EGP), but get some (I needed about 80 GBP worth) for minor purchases, meals, drinks – and toilets, where you will be asked for a tip of 10 EGP (about 27p), so a wad of small notes is useful. US dollars (USD) are the most useful currency for the tip kitty, meals, hotel bills, optional trips and major purchases. They are acceptable almost everywhere, including street sellers, but there is no coinage in circulation and the price might be rounded up generously. You are likely to pay rather more than if you use EGP. Change, if required, will be in EGP. I got through around 350 USD. Sterling and Euros are not so useful. They may be acceptable in hotels and major tourist shops, but not generally elsewhere. Credit cards are fine for optional trips, hotels and major purchases.

A cut above other Egypt tours.

A very well planned and operated trip, one of the best I’ve been on with Exodus. We were a capacity group of 20 and were provided with a superb 40 plus seater luxury coach throughout which greatly enhanced the long often slow travel journeys, particularly in Cairo where our elevated viewing position above the traffic mayhem was a delight. The hotels used and the cruise ship were all of a very high standard throughout the tour. I found the staff welcoming and helpful, particularly on our cruise ship MS Style. The cuisine on the cruise ship was exceptional, and breakfast buffets in the hotels were all very good. My one criticism is that where packed breakfasts were provided these were singularly unimaginative, being heavily bread based, with excessive non recyclable plastic packaging. The Hotel Metropole in Alexandria is an Art Nuveaux time capsule and a real experience to stay in. The Luxor Iberotel Hotel is superbly sited with beautiful gardens and a swimming pool overlooking the Nile; great for winding down at the end of your holiday.

Most Inspirational Moment

At the end of my Egypt trip I leave with these, among many other lasting memories: - Best modern wonder - The National Library at Alexandria, - Cairo is outstanding for its diversity, and vibrant culture despite huge social deprivation and awful urban infrastructure. - Worse tourist experience - Abu Simbel, although a fabulous archeological site preservered through one of the worlds most successful engineering projects, impossible to view properly. - Best archaeological site - Temple of Horus at Edfu. - Dancing with Nubian musicians at an evening barbecue on the banks of the Nile. - An impromptu performance by young music students at the multi faith House of Arts and Culture in Cairo. - Most poignant memory - the shared tombstone of two unknown comrades from New Zealand, “ Known to their God”, in the Al Alamein war graves cemetery.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our tour leader Sayed Mansour was knowledgeable, caring, helpful and compassionate. He went far beyond the usual tour leader duties to give us a real experience of his country which I could tell he has a passionate love of. This tour visits Mosques, Catholic Monestries and multi faith war graves. As a Muslim Sayed gave me an insight to his own faith and its relationship with other faiths in Egypt current and historical that will remain with me/

Advice for Potential Travellers

As others have repeatedly commented this is not a leisurely trip: it’s full on from start to finish. Even if you don’t take up the optional excursions there are lots of very early starts: if you are aware of this they don’t spoil the holiday. This trip with its' extra time in Cairo and Alexandra is in my opinion far superior to the shorter options as the extra time in both cities is well rewarded. Alexandra would be worth a visit to Egypt in itself just to see the New Library . Three days in Cairo was a real experience to sample its vibrant culture, and have plenty of time to view the National Egyptian Museum and the Pyramid complex. Sadly the New Egyptian museum hadn’t opened, but our hotel was close enough for us to enjoy views of its remarkable architecture. The only disappointment in Cairo was the food tour, which was just a lunch at a cafe and a takeaway for tea, not the informative hands on cooking demonstration I’d hoped for. Our visit in March was in the middle of the peak tourist season. I asked our Leader Sayed if there was any time when sites might be even a little less crowded and apart form August which is too hot for most people, he suggested November at the start of the tourist season.

Illness forced me to cut the trip short.

Unfortunately, I became quite ill on the fifth day of the trip requiring thAT I return to the United States. That portion of the trip in which I was able to participate was very good. The Exodus trip leader, Andrew, was excellent.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Andrew was very good.



Most Inspirational Moment

The People and the organisation,all perfect.

Thoughts on Group Leader

First Class

Advice for Potential Travellers

Book now

Nice trip

We had a most excellent guide in Andrew who was very knowledgeable and experienced. This trip offers many of the highlights along the Nile.

Most Inspirational Moment

Nefertiti's tomb well worth the price. The Valley of the Queens is a must-see. Seeing the Pyramids at last.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Amazing. I'd follow him anywhere.

Advice for Potential Travellers

December is colder than you think. I felt safe everywhere. Stock up on provisions if lunch isn't provided. 3 days in Cairo in an outlying hotel is a weak spot in the itinerary. Uber works well for getting around on your own, nothing is walkable from Giza Pyramids Hotel.