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Turtle, Ecuador


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Cycle Namibia

Wonderful experience of the different landscapes in Namibia

Most Inspirational Moment

The beautiful loneliness of the countryside where you are cycling Dunes and fat bike in them Animals in freedom in Etosha National Park

Thoughts on Group Leader

Very good job in all aspects, personal and professional, solving all circumstances of the trip

Oct 19

The cycling was hard on gravel and sand roads in 35 degree heat with a head wind. If you are not experienced in off road this trip will feel more like a grade 4 . Saying that some of the riding was amazing. Riding on the fat boy cycles over the dunes for nearly 4 hours was amazing and should be on peoples bucket list. The wild life matched expectation , Elephants, lions, white and black Rhino,cheaters.
Camp sites were clean but basic, they were lovely sitting in the dessert watching the stars.

Most Inspirational Moment

Cycling in the game reserve on the last day was brilliant . 3 1/2 hours of off road cycling next to white Rhino , an experience not to be missed.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Hanz was very good . He changed the cycling when the weather was too bad ( sand storm) . As their was only one cycling guide for a group of 12 he managed to accommodate us all.

Advice for Potential Travellers

If you you go when we did I would take a sheet to put on the mattress as well as a sleeping bag as some nights it was too hot with the sleeping bad Their were very few chances to wash clothes. Head touch was a must . Stock up on snacks when you can as shopping is very limited

Namibia is fabulous

This is an amazing way of discovering Namibia whilst getting some good cycling in under blue skies. The scenery changed constantly, wildlife was abundant and the geological features were astounding. This was not a serious cycling trip and the emphasis Was more on the wildlife and landscape. I would have given this trip 5/5 but was disappointed that one of the cycling days was completey cancelled and no longer takes place as the road is too busy and the FatBiking was about 5 miles for 2 hours not 22 miles for 3.5 hours as advertised. Since my main reason for going was the cycling this did marr the holiday a little however it was still fabulous and I would urge you to go, just don’t expect as much cycling as advertised.
I am vegetarian and was well catered for.

Most Inspirational Moment

I loved it all but the highlights were the ever changing scenery and racing down the hill on hairpin bends on my mountain bike. Everyday brought something different and I wasn’t to go back!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Hans was extremely knowledgable about EVERYTHING! Wilidfle, geology, Namibian history and so on. He had a genuine interest in sharing this knowledge with us. He also got us to where we were meant to be and sorted out meals and accommodation effectively. Benson our driver, cook and tent erector was brilliant too. He was friendly, helpful, made amazing meals and drove well on some terrible roads.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be aware you will be getting up by six everyday for early starts, this was great as you got to see the sunrise but won’t suit everyone! Take wet wipes, after some rides you then Travel in the truck for a few hours in your cycling gear so good to have a refresh Binoculars are a must, so much to see, the lions we saw were amazing but those without binoculars couldn’t really see them. Camping temperatures varied so take a sleeping bag liner so you can just use that on warm nights and the sleeping bag for cooler nights. Take something you can use as a pillow, I didn’t but my lightweight down jacket did me proud.

Review Centre
Reply from Exodus

We would like to thank Louisa for her review; we are delighted to read that she had an enjoyable time, but are sorry that she was disappointed with some aspects of the trip.  We very recently amended the cycling on day 10 of the itinerary, having received feedback that the road existing Etosha National Park had become increasingly busy and therefore was not as suitable for cycling as it had previously been.  We will update the trip notes to reflect this, although we regret that Louisa was disappointed that this ride did not take place.  We were also sorry to learn that the fat-biking activity was shorter than listed; our local team have explained that the fat-bike operator will sometimes curtail the length of this ride, depending on individual group preferences.  Moving forward, we have asked the local supplier to ensure that both longer and shorter rides are offered to every group, which we hope will ensure future clients do not encounter similar disappointment.  We are happy to read that overall Louisa enjoyed her time in Namibia, and in particular appreciate her kind words regarding Hans, her tour leader; we look forward to hopefully welcoming her on another trip in the future.  John Penge – Product Manager

Cycle Namibia

A fantastic varied exciting adventure exploring Namibia, it’s breathtaking natural beauty and it’s wildlife, both large and small.
A cyclists/naturalist/geologists/ photographers paradise

Most Inspirational Moment

Climbing the dunes, Experiencing Etosha wildlife then tiny desert animals, seeing sidewinders ... experiencing a thunderstorm Namibia style Cycling the huge vast areas was mesmerising and challenging, admiring the beauty whilst concentrating on the sandy tracks- Cycling with the game in the ranch reserve near the end of the holiday, being a few hundred yards from White rhino- without a fence! Hiddenvlek at the dunes Sundowner after cheetah experience at Solitaire lodge

Thoughts on Group Leader

Very good very knowledgeable on wildlife, Namibia in general. The group felt very well lead by the three team members Happy and McLoud were brilliant and the three worked well together, complementing each others skills. Stefan team leader was great, always cheerful and obliging, answered any questions we had, looked after us all. Occasionally a little light on specific details of the trip (eg how long upcoming cycle was) but we felt this was sensible as it allowed him to be flexible and he always made good decisions as to when we had had enough! I would encourage him to talk to the whole group more about history/ geography of Namibia as he had much more to tell when we asked him on a 1:1!

Advice for Potential Travellers

make sure you take lip salve a cycling scarf that you can soak in water to keep the dust out ear plugs for camping- some of the others will snore! camera! I don't think I ever stood up in my pedals to cycle, it's all steady, flattish and you develop skills on sand!

Cycle Namibia

Great scenery and opportunity to see wildlife. Some hard hot slogs on slippery and dusty gravel roads.

Most Inspirational Moment

Scenery. Wildlife, especially rhinos at the watering hole at night at Etosha. Fantastic meals by chef McLeod.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Excellent organizational and people skills. Knowledgeable and fit.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Need to be quite fit and heat tolerant.

Sand dunes, wildlife, endless sky

A great two week trip in Namibia. Provided a great overview of the country and able to experience the vastness and emptiness of Namibia. A stunning country with lots of wildlife. The camping was fun with great meals and a refreshing pool and bar at every campsite (except one). The cycling isn’t hard, just hot and on rough gravel roads. Lots of stunning photo opportunities.

Most Inspirational Moment

There were many! Seeing black rhinos on two separate occasions in Etosha, cycling past baboons, zebras, warthogs and giraffes on the side of the road, the incredible sand dunes, the incredibly feeling of space and emptiness with endless horizons and far-reaching roads. The stunning night sky with so many stars.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Hard-working, laid-back and happy.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't expect to cycle vast distances each day...the heat and road conditions allow for only a few hours riding each morning. Think of it more as a tour of Namibia with time for exercise each morning. A lot of the roads are heavily corrugated which makes for slow and uncomfortable riding, although in the second week we had beautiful tarmac so managed a lot more miles. Always have your swimsuit in your daybag so you can take a swim to cool down and refresh as soon as you arrive at that night's rest spot.

Cycling Namibia

We were a small but ‘elite’ group – ‘holy moly’ – we were the beautiful family who enjoyed every aspect of this trip
The challenge of the cycling conditions, in excessive heat, but in the most inspirational landscape, did not defeat us

Most Inspirational Moment

I chose this trip because of the physical challenge, however, my first glimpse of a lion at close quarters was almost overwhelming

Thoughts on Group Leader

Shane & Enrico shared the lead - always smiling - they ensured this trip was full of fun & laughter

Advice for Potential Travellers

The heat is excessive most days - you must keep well covered & well hydrated

Bucket List Trip

I loved this trip, and seeing, climbing and then flying over the amazing dunes lived up to my expectations. Big bucket list tick for that. And the wildlife round and about, but especially in Etosha (particularly at the camp waterhole) was brilliant. Watching rhino’s preliminary mating dance, elephants bathing and a stand off with a pride of lions, from a safe distance while supping red wine, was one of life’s great experiences.

Most Inspirational Moment

Standing on top of the dunes at sunrise.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Shane and Happy did a great job and were friendly, helpful and welcoming. The cycle guide for this trip (Jaco) less so - but it didn't spoil the trip.

Advice for Potential Travellers

If you are not used to cycling on gravel / sand, it takes a little while to feel comfortable and can be an adventure in itself. There are some long straight stretches of tarmac (especially in the second week), which go from nowhere to nowhere, which is an experience, but not like cycling through villages etc like you get on some other trips. There is no one there! Although the scenery is stunning and changes from day to day - on any particular ride it can be quite samey, so worth bearing in mind if you are easily bored, also as it is mainly quite flat. Having said that - it's more fun being on the bike for part of the day than it would be in a truck all day and can be a bit of "zen" experience! I thought it was great - in the main:) Hire a sleeping bag from the local operator - good quality and warm enough. Book it before you go. June is a great time to go - dry and pleasantly hot days. Chilly at night - take layers. I can't imagine doing this trip in December! TOOO hot, even with early starts. This is quite basic & remote camping - and all the better for that. Fantastic star gazing. All sites had good showers and loos. One even has a surreal bath with a view!

Cycling in Namibia

Namibia would not be my number ever travel destination as much of the country is ordinary and the distances between the highlights are too long. That said don’t dismiss it. The two things that most fascinated me was the seeming harmony between all the races and tribes, compared with just over the border in South Africa and the maintenance of a significant German influence in both architecture (old and new) and language. And for the latter it is over a 100 years since it was a German colony.

Most Inspirational Moment

The day I enjoyed most was mouching around Swakapmund soaking up the atmosphere and talking to locals and tourists alike.

Thoughts on Group Leader

The whole support crew (3) were excellent in their own very different ways. They obviously got on like a house on fire with each other and this helped create a very sociable atmosphere.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Expect gravelly roads and camping, not glamping.

Cycle Namibia, the good, the bad and the not so ugly

Some stunning landscapes and some fairly mundane cycling, but some really worthwhile experiences make this holiday a mix of average to great experiences

Most Inspirational Moment

Climbing Dune 40 to see the sunrise. Note we avoided Dune 45, said to be the biggest, on the advice of the group leaders recommendation, this was good advice as we avoided the crowds but still saw a great sunrise. The trip to Etosha reserve is also a great experience, though we didn't see leopards or cheetah and only a single elephant.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Shane very friendly and personable, got on well with everyone and tried hard to keep the group on the same page when it came to cycling.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Read the small print on the trip notes - a sleeping bag is essential but this is only mentioned once on page 7 after the cycling essentials. Three of us had to buy sleeping bags at the destination and these aren't easy to find, the temperature really drops at night in March and will be colder in later months! Take a bandanna to cover your face when cycling, some of the roads are very rough and dusty and passing 4x4's at speed set the dust flying. Due to the daytime heat we finished cycling by 12:00 so very often had early starts, rising at 6:30-7:00 most days. Camping is described as full service, this means you get a tent and a sleeping mat and nothing else. Aside from the sleeping bag take something as a pillow and don't forget a towel! The campsites don't have any illumination so you'll need a head torch and spare batteries. Away from Windhoek and Swakopmund there are no shops to buy basic essentials Over the nine days cycling we averaged 30 miles per day, always finishing before lunch. The support bus is on hand with water and snacks, but our support cyclist wasn't up to the task, being a new starter on a bike. Cycling conditions are not easy - I've experienced a few Exodus cycling holidays and whilst there aren't any real hills on this holiday the cycling can be hard, so if you're not sure about your fitness, cycling in heat and on rough roads this holiday is probably not for you.