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Turtle, Ecuador


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My daughter and I loved this trip – beautiful landscapes, a range of things to do and great company.  I could never have gained such insight into Jordan in one week travelling on our own – our guide was fantastic.

Most Inspirational Moment

Camel trekking in the Wadi Rum early in the morning and the majesty of Petra glowing pink in the sun.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Fantastic:  extremely knowledgeable, patient, with a fabulous sense of humour and - with 5 of his own children - great with the kids.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't stress about any part of the trip - it is well organised, well paced, interesting, diverse and fun.


As a virgin safari traveller and photographic ‘techno-peasant’ I was blown away by the amazing sights of the week. Beats a day out in Barry Island any day! It was a pleasure and an honour to meet all involved; fellow travellers, Masai guides and camp staff, Bruce , Donna and Paul. I cannot fault the dedicated care and attention we had from all staff involved. It was so magical I can barely believe it actually happened. I feel that I have left a substantial part of myself in Kenya:

Most Inspirational Moment

Seeing a family of leopards including a cub feeding on a freshly caught Topi in a low lying tree with hopeful Hyenas inches below.

Thoughts on Group Leader

A unique specimen! He surely needs intensive therapy but I am in awe of the man. His enthusiasm is palpable to the degree where on occasions I thought he might spontaneously explode! He clearly wants to get the best shots for his guests and will attempt to overcome any odds to get results. He has a striking committment to the local community and behaves responsibly to the wildlife which sets an example to others.  A great raconteur, as well as a fantastic photogapher, who made the holiday.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Bring a thick skin, camoflague camera gear (as good as you can get), plenty of enthusiasm and some good dirty jokes.


Amazing experience. We were extremely lucky on our game drives in the Masai Mara seeing more in two days than I have seen in several other safaris combined. The mountain gorillas however were the clear highlights, nothing could compare to that.  The scenery is outstanding, Rwanda in particular is stunning, rolling hills, steep winding roads, so that even travelling days are not to be missed and there is always something to see. It's a well paced trip, not too long is spent driving, there are a good few easy days and rest allowed, with strong trip highlights at each end of the two weeks.

Most Inspirational Moment

The time spent with the mountain gorillas. We trekked for almost two hours as they fed then kept moving so that we caught tantalising glimpses before coming across a clearing. We watched as the silverback (Charles) speed up a tree. The rest of his family followed and we stood below slighly disappointed that we did not get to see them up close. Finally they came down and moved directly in front of us, the silverback in the lead. His family gathered around him and sudddenly the group was only feet away from us, the young playing, mothers cuddling the younger siblings and to cap it all the silverback then made a display of his strength to put a younger member in his place. He beat his chest then charged at the younger gorilla in a tree, bending the small tree over and then shaking it madly. Satisfied he had made his point he abruptly stopped then lay down. It was truly amazing even if sl;ightly scary to see. The guides had warned us it was about to happen they read the situation perfectly. The hour with the gorillas flew by.  

Thoughts on Group Leader

Chris was excellent. Cool, relaxed, knowledgeable and always in control. He allowed everyone to relax on the trip, gave excellent advice and clear instructions. His casual approach makes it really feel like a lesiurely trip, he looked out for everyone, took care of any problems and was very perceptive. This is a full service trip and Chris and his colleagues are the reason why it is worth booking if you want a holiday expereince which also allows you to simply chill out.  

Advice for Potential Travellers

I have been on many trips but this one stands out. It really is something special and I am so glad that I did it. If thinking about this trip I would strongly urge you to book and guarantee you will neither regret nor forget this one.


On this trip you'll travel through three very different countries, see amazing scenery, great wildlife and meet some  cool people. 

Most Inspirational Moment

The Gorillas are of course very special and an absolute highlight of this trip.  The Masai Mara for me was also very special - it kept delivering spectacle after spectacle (just when we thought "it can't get better than this"  - the mara proved us wrong).  Seeing a small pride of lions with a kill on an early morning game drive was just amazing.  Between the Mara and Nakuru we managed to see all the big 5 - plus cheetahs, giraffe and an elusive serval cat.  On day one you have the option of taking boat to Elsamere - this is very worthwile, especially watching the fish eagles catching their lunch!The nature walk at Lake Mburo in Uganda was great highlight of the second week - the chance to get on eye level with animals is a truely wonderful experience).  The walk is also great for birdwatchers - who'll love the variety of feathered critters.The visit to the genocide museum in Kigali is rightly challenging - but you leave with a good understanding of the events and underlying causes of the 1994 genocide.  Oh and drinking Nile Special, next to the Nile, that was quite cool too.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Chris (leader), Francis (co-leader) and Jonas our cook were great.  The guys work so hard behind the scenes to keep us well fed and on track - all the time with a smile and great conversation.  Chris shares his knowledge of geography, history and wildlife throughout the trip and I learnt so much as a result.The guys are also great at advising you where and when to change money, what rates to expect and how much to change. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

Aside from go ahead and book it I would say:The gorilla trek can be short or long - if you have any kind of condition that may limit your endurance (I suffer a bit with asthma)  tell your leader and they will do their level best ensure that you are matched to a walk that's within your capabilities (don't worry - there will be one, a lady of 82 had been to see them the day before us!).  Be prepared for the pace to increase a bit once you catch up with your designated family (again don't worry - if I can do it, pretty much anyone can!).  Take lots of water with you (2 ltrs or more) you will need it!Again on the gorilla trip if you have gaters or a method of closing the bottoms of your trousers then I'd advise using them - nipping ants can be an irritation. Long sleeved shirts are also highly recomended.Take a stuff sack - it's great for taking ummm stuff from the truck to tent.  Also be aware the when you head up to the Mara you leave the truck at Naivasha, so a small bag to take required kit in is necessary.Lake Bunyoni offers a great opportunity to aclimatise to the conditions you'll encounter on the gorillas - the nature walk and the trip to the orphange are great ways to get some practice walking at a higher altitude to normal, in a hilly environment. 


This was a stunning walking holiday! The walks were fairly challenging (we didn’t find any of them leisurely to be honest) but totally doable, with the most amazing views, and we all loved it. The combination of walking, sightseeing at Pompei and the option of a beach here or there are just perfect. Highly recommended!

Most Inspirational Moment

* Sitting at the top of the mountain on our first day, with THE most amazing view of the whole of the Sorrento peninsula, enjoying our lunch and feeling proud of ourselves for making it to the top.* Getting to the beach at Amalfi at the end of day 2 and 4, after LOTS of steps and lots of tantalising views of what lay ahead (a refreshing dip in the sea!).* Going to Pompei and seeing the amazing ruins. Walking around this ancient town and being able to imagine what life was like in those days. * The Walk of the Gods was truly the most awsome walk I've ever done. Stunning scenery once again and just all around fabulous.* Getting to make a Neapolitan pizza and seeing Giovanni cook up a delicious 3-course dinner for us.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Suzy was a great group leader. Not only did she makes us all feel safe (very important in these mountains), she also knew lots of interesting things and was really flexible to what we needed and wanted (we seemed to have a penchant for the beach, as opposed to the cathedrals, and she made it happen oh so easily!). She was also an excellent table-football player and all-round good sport.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take your walking poles, proper hiking/mountain boots and light and loose clothing when you go in the summer (we had fantastic weather in June 2011 and it did get very hot). Some people brought water pouches and found those very useful (you do need a lot of water on these walks!).


Truly the trip of a lifetime! The whole trek from start to finish was very carefully thought out… the guides, the team and the scenery could not be beaten!

Most Inspirational Moment

There are so many!Reaching Dead Womens Pass (with the help of the guides Disnardal and Wilson after my daughter had been sick ALL day!) On the third morning getting up to see the sunrise over the mountains.Getting my first glimpse of Machu Picchu.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Disnardal was absolutely amazing.....very knowledgable and passionate about her country and it's amazing history. Disnardal always made sure our group were happy, had everything we wanted/needed and she made sure we were clear on what was expected of us at each stage of the trek. The assistant guide Wilson was equally amazing, very patient, without him and Disnardal my daughter would not have conquered Dead Womans Pass!

Advice for Potential Travellers

Only take local currency (nuevo soles) we ended up having to visit the bank quite a lot (my daughter loves shopping!) We understood that the dollar was an accepted currency, but you never know what the rate of exchange is!Take walking poles, I was really grateful for mine!


Arrive at Braccicorti, get out of the mini-bus and just stand and admire THAT view. It’s truly stunning. Then be greated by the genuine warmth of "Mamma" – her smile delights – and her cooking’s not bad either!!Trek high in the mountains, enjoy picnic lunches looking at the terracotta villages with their church towers way below and enjoy that cold beer on the descent.A rather special place.

Most Inspirational Moment

Reaching those high peaks giving such rewarding viewsThe charming villages with geraniums spilling from every window boxWaking in the morning and just listening to the birds singing, distant church bells and the hum of the combine harvester somewhere in the valley.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Liz was a gem.  A real star.  Fit as a fiddle, practical, an excellent driver and her love of the job and location showed.  She looked after us so well, ensuring we all had adequate water and clothing as necessary.  We enjoyed her company very much and admired her stamina as she really does work hard.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The walking can be quite tough in parts - take poles if you have them they certainly help. Good trail shoes or lightweight boots are a must as some of the paths are uneven.  Don't think about wearing walking sandals - your toes will be cut to ribbons!It's all very casual at Braccicorti so travel light.  A torch is necessary for the trot along to "Il Grotto" on the free evenings.. and do try their ravioli with ricotta in a walnut sauce.Plenty of lovely local produce to try, buy and bring home so don't overpack going out.


Sunshine and laughter, warm seas, cold beers.  Peaceful idyllic islands, hectic Dubrovnik.  Cutural, classic and unhurried.

Most Inspirational Moment

The serenity of Mijet Island National Park.The hustle and bustle of the "cruise ants" around Dubrovnik.Food, glorious food - freshest seafood, crispy pizzas, gooey pastries, gelato of every flavour imaginable!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Dalibor was excellent, professional and efficient.  Underwent his duties with care, consideration and with hissense of humour

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't bother taking Kuna's - you'll get a much better rate of exchange once you're there.Travel light - it's all very casual.


Trip in June 2011. Well exceeded my expectations and worth every hour of overtime done to pay for it.

Most Inspirational Moment

There are so many.......family of 7 cheetahs, family of 4 leopards, lioness carrying cubs, cheetah carrying cubs,early wildebeest crossing the Talek, breakfast with the hippos and sundowners under the stars. Kicheche Mara camp was exceptional,Bruce, Donna and the boys were fantastic hosts.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Has to be experienced to be believed.Psychotic enthusiasm. Shouts a lot but only because he wants you to do well and get the most out of the trip. Detailed knowledge of the Mara and animal behaviour makes for the best possible opportunities for photographs. Encyclopaedic knowledge of foul jokes.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't go if you can't get up in the morning or want to whinge about travel arrangements in a 3rd world country. Take a hat and suncream for long days outside. If you couldn't cope with being called all the names under the sun when Paul gets excited about something then don't bother going. It is meant well and if you can't see this then forget it. Beg steal or borrow all the camera gear you can.I recommend lensesforhire.co.uk if you wish to try a big lens but don't have the funds to buy one. I got a canon 300mm 2.8 with a 1.4 converter as i am a bit puny for a 500mm and was very happy with it. I also took my own 70-300mm zoom and a wide angle with polariser. I borrowed another camera body to avoid faffing with lens changes and it was worth it. Tripods NOT needed. Beanbags supplied. Lots of chewy sweeties help to bribe the big man.


A really good group of people and a trip I’d wanted to do for a few years but which seemed to have disappeared from the brochure for a couple of years before being re-introduced.  Cycling was harder than expected; although rated ‘moderate’ this trip was harder than other ‘moderate’ trips I’ve done in the past; in fact only two of our group actually cycled the whole way without spending any time in the support vehicle. 

Most Inspirational Moment

Arriving in the cathedral square in Santiago; it's a beautiful place and a fitting end to the trip. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

Nacho and Diane were really good, particularly in sorting out arrangements for one of our group who had a close encounter with a concrete drainage ditch and needed hospital treatment.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be aware this trip has some difficult hills (at least one which is serious 'get of and push for about an hour' territory for those who insist on 'cycling' rather than using the support vehicle).  The first day of the trip isn't great as it goes through the suburbs of Leon and then across largely flat fields with uninspiring views, but the scenery gets better as the week goes on.  With the exception of one night where the rooms were very basic, the hotels were very good, en suites occasionally including full-sized baths which were very welcome after a day's cycling.