Most Inspirational Moment
Bryce Canyon, a place I have wanted to see for many yéars, was breathtaking; the colours and shadows ever changing with the different quality of light. Hugging a bristle cone pine was a long-held ambition and I achieved it!! Clambering up to Angel's Landing was the scariest thing I have ever done, so I'm not sure that it was inspirational, perhaps just foolhardy!
Thoughts on Group Leader
Brendan was a superb and efficient leader, aware of our needs as a group, and sensitive to individual needs. He went out of his way to take us to interesting places, such as star-gazing away from any source of light, and really wanted us to see the very best of his country. He was enthusiastic, generous with information about all the places we went to, a really good and careful driver, and on top of that had a good sense of humour and fun. His organisation of picnic lunches, hotel keys etc. was second to none, and he was universally appreciated and liked. In short, he could not have been bettered!
Advice for Potential Travellers
Be prepared for a very full and busy schedule, as stated in the trip notes. There are some early starts. At this time of year,ie October, heed the advice about about taking and wearing layers, as we encountered frost and snow as well as warm conditions. At times, the day-time temperature was hot, but when the sun went in, it got very cold, so carry extra layers while walking.