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Turtle, Ecuador


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Amazing adventure!

Something you can’t plan with any trip is your group or the wild animals. I’m happy to say that both were amazing. As lucky as we were to see up close and personal all the wonderful Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Lions, Leopards and so much more… Not forgetting the humble Warthog. This was greatly enhanced by fabulous tour leaders, drivers and chefs. We we’re always well looked after. Jacob our guide was knowledgeable, approachable and made absolutely sure we wouldn’t get eaten at night. Our chefs excelled themselves and turned out delicious food in interesting makeshift kitchens. Our driver was a stone cold legend, keeping us safe in long and challenging journeys. If I had one criticism it is simply that a final night in Nairobi prior to flying home would have been welcomed into the schedule. This would allow the group to settle and reorganise after a long camping trip as opposed to a long drive and flight straight out where goodbye’s were rushed.

Most Inspirational Moment

Although the Gorillas were majestic the chimpanzees were so much fun! Literally running through the forrest and being surrounded by the loud calls was such a moment in time. The whole day was an adventure. Come with a sense of spirit!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Wonderful! Kept us all in line with a smile. Easy to talk too and knew what he was about!

Advice for Potential Travellers

Come with a sense of fun. Enjoy the long travel days with your group and make it part of the enjoyment. Be grateful for every wild encounter and take binoculars. If your not a bird watcher before you might be by the end of the trip!

Gorillas and Masai Mara

Saw the most incredible wildlife, expert and professional team in Gilbert, Albert, Stoney and James and a wonderful road trip across E. Africa.

Most Inspirational Moment

Too many to mention but the Gorillas next to us was special.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Gilbert was professional, fun, accommodating and a joy to travel with.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Just do it. The best trip yet!

An African Adventure

Long travel days, early mornings, tough tracking terrain, beautiful scenery, very changable weather, history lessons, amazing animal sightings, upset tummies, Masai and Batwa villages, hot and cold showers, trucks in ditches, border crossings, picnic lunches, and sooooooo much more

Most Inspirational Moment

There were so many memorable moments from the Rwandan Genocide Memorial which was heartbreaking, the silent power of the Gorilla family we tracked, seeing a leopard ( 3 actually ), black and white rhino, jumping and spear throwing with the Masai, speaking with Helen who rescues young girls from FGM.....

Thoughts on Group Leader

Gilbert was an excellent all rounder with vast local, national and historical knowledge. All information was given clearly and our nightly meetings to tell of the plans for the following day often ended in stories about previous trips, historical figures and African culture. The other members of the team were super too. The driver, Stony, was unreal and Albert and James, the chefs, made sure nobody went hungry. If you are lucky enough to have this team looking after your group, you'll have a fantastic trip.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Please, please, please, don't underestimate the level of difficulty involved in the Gorilla trek. The trip notes do not adequately reflect the gradient of the slopes, the neccessity of a porter, or the toughness of the terrain. Having said that, its an amazing day and a once in a lifetime experience. I'd absolutely recommend doing the reverse trip. Get the gorilla trek done in the first few days and then you can enjoy the wonders of Lake Nakuru and the Masai Mara in comfort.

A very good holiday

A very good but exhausting holiday with long truck journeys, heavy rain, early wet mornings but with magnificent sightings of all of East Africa’s animals. The crew were exceptional with each member doing their job diligently and were a great help to us travellers. The following day’s program were clearly explained each evening with questions asked and answered.

Although I had no regrets about going on this holiday, I was just grateful that I did the reverse journey as I’m not sure that I would appreciate a six hour trek to see the gorillas at the end of the holiday – at 67, I’m not sure that I would have made it.

Overall, I’m glad that I went.

Most Inspirational Moment

The sightings of the gorillas - I could literary touch one - and we were privileged to see three leopards in Uganda and Kenya.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Gilbert was an excellent group leader, giving clear instructions to the group each evening and providing a talk on many relevant subjects displaying a deep knowledge of local current affairs, African culture and history. He always had time to answer any queries and resolve any problems that occurred.

Advice for Potential Travellers

The gorilla trek could be a problem for travellers who have fitness problems. The first trek took six hours up and down hills in hot weather. I booked a second gorilla trek which only took two to three hours as the animals were located near one of the gorilla centres - however, this was just as arduous due to the steep terrain, the thick vegetation and the slippery, muddy conditions. But, for me, it was worth it.

Why Gorilla and Masai Mara Reverse Camping is Better.

This is a trip that’s worth every single buck. I’ll list the pros and cons though.

Pros: Gorilla tracking is physically demanding. So is waking up very early every morning, travelling long distances and camping. Wildlife in Masai Mara is fantastic, no other national parks measure up to it in terms of sightings during this trip. When at the beginning of the trip energy level is high, better to do the gorilla tracking etc. Then in the end of the trip be rewarded by extraordinary wildlife viewing in Masai Mara.
The crew was really great (except one) but Albert (chef) requires special mention because he was funny, kind and fed us amazing food. Stoney (driver) was very helpful and was always helpful with information.

Cons: In some camping sites there is no Wi-Fi or internet, if we were informed before could tell our family not to worry if they didn’t hear from us on certain dates.
The truck was too old and dusty, some of the windows were difficult to open and close. We even had a breakdown close to Lake Bunyoni and that was only the beginning of the trip! Although Gilbert arranged alternative for reaching the campsite soon.
On the days of long drive, why we stopped for lunch (sandwiches) which required preps and thus wasted time is beyond my understanding. There were days when we were given packed lunches (when went on game drives). Why couldn’t the same be done which would have saved time and effort of the crew? Especially as bread in Uganda was horrible.
The water pump was the most inconvenient thing ever! After a certain level it required one hand to hold the bottle, one to hold the neck of the pump and another to actually pump water! I’ve only two and one of crew member who was basically Man Friday, got annoyed because I was asking for help. He also tried to sell me wildlife photos (I’m a photojournalist and was travelling with pro cameras) but I didn’t encourage him.

Most Inspirational Moment

Of course the highlight was watching the gorillas up close. However that wasn't all for me. Watching all wildlife in their habitat is a joyful experience. Visiting new countries, learning about their culture, cruising near Murchison Falls and Lake Victoria, hot air balloon in Masai Mara. All unforgettable experiences!

Thoughts on Group Leader

Gilbert our group leader was very knowledgeable and proud of his culture, which was wonderful. He tried to solve any issue intelligently and swiftly. If it was possible, he tried his level best to get it done.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Those who an to buy additional gorilla permit must know that both happens in two different areas of the Virunga Massif. One in Bwindi and another in Mhinga (sorry about the spelling). The second one has more slope and physically exhausting. Bwindi has heavier growth and thus clear sighting maybe a problem. Unless very sure about being able to handle the climbs and physical exhaustion on two consecutive days, pause before buying the second permit. If someone plans to buy tea, try some in Uganda (my parents are loving it) but Kenyan coffee is better. Locals sell souvenirs in some places (but not outside Masai Mara), they are much cheaper than the souvenir shop they stop in. They sell some of the same stuff at double the price. DO NOT forget insect repellent, they will feast on you no matter what! I forgot my anti malaria pills, so Gilbert took me to a pharmacy in Uganda, where bought weekly tablet pack.

A myriad of wildlife in the heart of Africa

This trip packs in a huge variety of wildlife experiences over a great distance in three scenic and friendly East African countries.

Most Inspirational Moment

There were many highlights. For this trip, the Masai Mara provided the greatest inspiration. Our group was so fortunate to see multiple close up lion sightings, a leopard up a tree and a successful cheetah hunt amongst many other animals. The Mara is totally worthy of its global fame as a premier game reserve. On this occasion, our good fortune in Kenya just pipped the excellent gorilla and chimp tracking days in Uganda.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our Kenyan team, consisting of the tour leader driver, chef and camp assistant worked so hard evrry day and did so in cheerful spirit that made them a pleasure to be around.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Be prepared for long drives on bumpy roads, particularly in Uganda. The gorrila tracking involves difficult underfoot conditions and the length of the hike to see the gorillas can't really be predicted in advance. No one in our group opted for the Kazinga Channel boat trip, this didn't matter as the included boat trip at Murchison Falls was outstanding, particularly for birds. Temperatures are generally moderate in this part of the world due to altitude, but Murchison Falls is lower and was therefore hot.

A voyage of discovery.

Having been on many trips of discovery with Exodus, I had never been on one that offered so much.
The itinerary was exactly right.
The starting point is Rwanda were we met our leader for the tour Jacob, as usual a friendly face after a long flight out from the UK.
After a nights rest, the next day we visited the Museum to the genocide which took place in the mid nineties, the museum has graphic pictures of this terrible time in Rwanda`s history. A reminder of how the west turned it`s back on the suffering of a whole group of people.
Onto our first highlight, the mountain Gorillas. After a long trek up into the foothills of the Parc National des Volcans we met our first Gorillas after about an hour of walking through mud and clothes clawing undergrowth and overhead vine. This first encounter was unbelievable, such gentle creatures given the size of the alpha males. We spent an hour with them and they just carried on eating/ playing and sleeping as if we were not there.
On into Uganda, no problems with crossing the border and onto Lake Bunyonyi. With the lake there are opportunities to take boat rides on the lake or hire canoes for a leisurely paddle.
On through Uganda with it`s abundance of wildlife, mammals and bird life.We had our first encounters with the real wildlife in all their natural environment.
Adrenalin seekers will love Jinja as the site we stay Adrift, were you can do white water rafting on the Nile or perhaps bungee jumping.Or you can just take a stroll around the local are to veiw the many and varied bird life.
On into Kenya, this is when they asked to see our Yellow fever certificate, other than that it again was straight forward.
Due to adverse weather we had miss the village camp, however not to worry, onto the Masai Mara.
Arriving at lunch time we enjoyed yet another great lunch prepared as always by Wilson and Ester.
We then had a half day taster into the game park. Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to encounter. All you ever see on TV was there in front of you in all it`s splendour, to many to list. The next and last full day of the tour(excluding travel days) you again go into the park for a full day`s game drive. Amazing experience, so well organised and lead by the team, from the leader through the driver and cooks who took so much care of us.
Thank you .

Most Inspirational Moment

This is not an easy choice, but it has to be the Gorillas, so human like.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Jacob, I have been on may trips with Exodus and all the leaders are excellent. Jacob`s leadership and ability to adapt to required changes puts him at the very top of the top leaders.

Advice for Potential Travellers

If you want to visit Africa and this appeals to you then do the same trip(reverse) it seemed to us who travelled together the best itinerary. Gorillas first then working your way though to the Masai Mara to end your trip.

Gorillas and Masai Mara (reverse)departing July 27th

This turned out to be the trip of a lifetime so far. Every day brought fresh highlights and the holiday just got better as we progressed. Each of the 3 countries visited are so beautiful and the people so warm and friendly that you won’t want to leave. Of course, the wildlife is a real highlight – especially spending time with the serene mountain gorillas.

Most Inspirational Moment

Lots of them! Hearing the gorillas before we could actually see them and then having the privilege of spending time with them; Listening to a family of elephants communicating with each other and protecting their young; Silently floating over the Masai Mara in the ballon and watching the sunrise; The exhilaration of white water rafting on the Nile

Thoughts on Group Leader

Often is a wonderful leader and well supported by the fantastic team of Odoyo, Wilson and Alex. We were like a happy family - lots of shared laughter. Often was always happy to share his knowledge and got the balance just right when it came to giving us necessary information.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't bother taking lots of low denomination dollar notes - you are actually better off with a supply of $50 bills as you get a better exchange rate in the banks the higher the note - just take a few $10 and $20s for porters, tipping etc. It's very easy to change money in to local currency as you go - we took the leader's advice on how much to change and he got it about right. It's easier to have the local currency in bars etc or you'll pay a bit more in dollars. The balloon flight, though expensive, really was a wonderful experience so go for it if you can. Having to transit through Addis is a real bore - we got held airside on the way out which meant no access to food of drink for nearly 6 hours - if this happens to you insist on being allowed through, we weren't vocal enough. Having said that our return was much better and we were directed to the departure lounge so were able to browse the shops and drink etc. Maybe the outward journey was a one off but I would advise you to make sure you have a book and something available to drink just in case. Ethiopian Airlines were very good.


DEFINITELY DO THIS TRIP !! Absolutely brilliant, if you love wildlife and east african culture I would recommend this trip, if this is your first east african trip it is a must. Wonderful people and wildlife in 3 beautiful countries and you get to go to the fabulous masai mara on your first few days, also to Lake Nakuru with the Rhino's and flamingoes. Across into Uganda where it is more lush and green then Kenya where we stayed at Lake Bunyonyi and visited a childrens Orphanage run by Crystal – Loving Hearts Helping Hands – this was amazing and the walk up to this is lovely, gets you out of breath but the guy who took us stops frequently for everyone. The nature walk at Lake Mburo was really good and we needed a good walk by this time after sitting in the overland vehicle, the Ranger who took us was really informative. Then onward into Rwanda and Ruhengeri where we trekked the fabulous gorillas. 

Most Inspirational Moment

The absolute ultimate part of this trip for me was the visit to the Gorillas, I was in the group who visited the Bwenge group of gorillas - there was the Silverback and 5 females and 5 young. The 3 month old baby with her mother was amazing and there were 2 youngsters age 2 and 3 who were very close less than 1 metre at times just looking us in the eyes with not a care in the world!! I also loved the masai mara where we saw many lions, 1 lioness with a fresh kill of wildebeest we could hear her ripping off the rump she was so enjoying! Also we came across a cheetah under a small bush which was fabulous, the leopard was being elusive so didn't see that but we were so lucky to see elephants, hyena, 3 males lions together, zebra, wildebeest aplenty, buffalo, giraffe. Also waving at the children along the road and through the towns and villages was fab, in Rwanda it was the thumbs up to the children! Also the orphanage was amazing for me - playing football with the children, we sat in class and watched them doing their numbers and then they did some dancing for us and made us have a go too - they are brilliant dancers even the little ones, put us to shame!! I also took lots of pens and paper and I bought a football from a supermarket in Uganda for the children - they loved it and the teachers really appreciated the paper and pens for them.  

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader Emias was very funny and a great and lovely guy, he is from Zimbabwe. He kept us informed of the plans for the day ahead, whilst we were having dinner each evening he gave us a talk about the next morning and day plans. Nothing was too much trouble and he brought a great vibe to the whole group. We also had Leo our Chef who cooked some lovely food, pork chops, an array of vegetables, freshly made lasagne was gorgeous, chicken, pasta, rice potatoes etc. There was cooked breakfast most mornings along with cereal and toast. I don't think anyone was allowed time to get hungry as they fed us so well - definitely no losing weight on this trip! We also had Francis who was co-driver and helped set up tents etc - he was quieter at first but came out of his shell and is a fab funny guy too. They really made the trip even better with their banter and jokes.The one thing I would say is that when we were travelling through towns and villages is that they didn't really tell us about the area or where we were or the fact that for example it was a big tea growing area made famous by Brooke Bond etc (one of my fellow travellers told us that), it is a bit difficult as its a sizeable truck and only one of the guys sits in the main part of the truck with us at the front, we asked some questions whilst travelling along here and there but not everyone could hear - so it's swings and roundabouts.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Ah yes, I would take some travel toilet roll, some of the campsites tend to run out, they provide a stack of it on the vehicle at the start but it soon runs out. Some toilets are holes in the ground but they are inside a small toilet block usually. Also we stop for the proper toilets pretty frequently and along the road now and then and use the 'Bush Toilets' which is quite fun sometimes trying to find a suitable bush to hide behind!! Take a shower whenever they are available as a couple of camp sites (Lake Mburo) were yuk so go with the wet wipes there, but we weren't away from a place where you wouldn't have a shower for more than 1 nite. Some of them were literally a dribble and either cold or lukewarm but better than nothing. Take plenty of memory card of course and batteries you can charge up on the vehicle maximum 6 plug holes (3 pin) but there was usually plenty room for everyone to do theirs at some point in the day. Plenty mosquito spray goes without saying really, I only got 2 bites but I did cover up in the evenings and my room mate Bridget and I sprayed our tent lots - so much that we were like children 1 night as we got the giggles with inhaling it by accident - but it was very funny!!! When you do the trek up to the gorillas definitely wear gardening gloves, I did on the way up but on the way down I took them off as my hands were too hot but I caught my hand on a prickly plant and I now have a rash on both hands which is so itchy and is taking a while to get rid of. Remember to take enough money to cover the tips for the guys who look after you, £75 dollars is enough for this. I spent approx £400 - depends if you like buying from the craft shops like I did! Oh yes and some antibacterial gel is a must. Although it says pack light I could have taken a few more bits of clothing, gives you room to take home presents anyway!!