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Turtle, Ecuador


Your Words – We tell it like it is! Holiday Reviews by previous Exodus travellers  

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Trip of a lifetime!

Wow… where to begin. The most amazing trip i have ever been on. Being one of the few to say i have visited Antarctica is something i will never get used to. The trip was breathtaking from start to end. I couldn’t reccomend it enough.

Most Inspirational Moment

Just being in such an untouched part of the world really put things into perspective. Being so close to humpback whales that you can hear them breathing and almost slipping in penguin poo will be memories that will stay with me forever. I cannot wait to tell my future kids and grandchildren about the wonder that is Antarctica and all the amazing wildlife out there.

Thoughts on Group Leader

There were multiple expedition leaders on this trip and they were all extremely knowledgeable and friendly. It made a huge difference to see that the leaders were truly happy to be part of your experience and enrich it in any way they can. The leaders on this trip make it that much more special.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Due to the unpredictable weather in Antarctica, some activities on the original itinerary may not go ahead as planned. Therefore, it is best to be flexible with your expectations. The leaders and crew will do their upmost to get you to see and do everything but it may not always go to plan, which is all part of the expedition expereince!

Antarctic Circle Quest

An awe-inspiring experience which exceeded all our expectations. The scenery is truly stunning, as were the encounters with wildlife. Life aboard the Academik Ioffe was very comfortable, the food was good and experts were on hand to help us with all aspects of the trip. After the first spectacular day of expeditions, we wondered how the rest of the trip could even begin to match the early promise, but each day brought new experiences and excitements.

Most Inspirational Moment

It is difficult to pick out a single experience. Cruising in zodiacs amongst icebergs and below glacial cliffs, watching penguins porpoising in the sea or making their way up and down snow slopes or across rocky terrain to the rookeries, observing penguin behaviour in those rookeries, experiencing humpback whales surfacing next to our zodiacs, whale/bird/seal/penguin/dolphin-spotting from the deck of the ship, descending directly onto fast ice from the ship after an impressive parallel parking manoeuvre, watching the sun setting (just) across the ice-filled bays......

Thoughts on Group Leader

David McGonigal was an excellent leader. He was very experienced, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and affable, and amended the programme to make sure that we got the very best experience each day depending on the ice and weather conditions. In addition there were several other experts on board, all of whom shared their knowledge of the environment, fauna and history generously and enthusiastically.

Advice for Potential Travellers

We had good weather most of the time, with temperatures around freezing, but it can get very cold on the outer decks of the ship, especially if you can't drag yourself away from viewing the wildlife and spectacular scenery, and when sitting still on the zodiac excursions for two or three hours at a time. We took heat pads for hands and feet, but didn't need to use them. Sunglasses/goggles and sunscreen are essential. We were provided with good quality binoculars and outer weatherproof garments and boots. Closed toe shoes must be worn in all public areas of the boat; a pair of clogs or similar would have been useful.

Antarctic circle quest

One of the best experiences of my life. Icebergs, whales, seals, penguins, historic huts and awe inspiring (in the true sense of that overused term) scenery.

Most Inspirational Moment

There were inspiring moments every day: spotting the first iceberg on the horizon, whales surfacing next to the zodiacs and boat, being served hot chocolate on a zodiac in the middle of an ice choked bay, stepping inside the time capsule of a historic hut, crossing the circle. I could come up with many more.

Thoughts on Group Leader

The experts on board really contributed to the pleasure of the voyage. They gave illuminating and interesting lectures during the sea days and then worked hard to ensure that excursions were a memorable experience.

Advice for Potential Travellers

A good quality down jacket will keep you comfortable when standing on deck while wildlife watching. Also a pair of binoculars is essential. They don't have to be expensive.


The trip delivered everything promised – and more.   The scenery and wildlife were as hoped for and the Zodiacs got us to the right places.   The programme of talks on passage days and in the evenings were excellent.   The ship (Ioffe) was better than I expected – comfortable, quiet, well maintained, and with a helpful crew.

Most Inspirational Moment

It would be unfair to pick a single moment from so many!   Whale watching from the Zodiacs?   Sailing up the Lemaire Channel?   Observing life in a penguin rookery?  Visiting the huts of earlier explorers?   The variety of sizes, shapes, and colours of the icebergs?    Entering the harbour at Deception?

Thoughts on Group Leader

Chad was very effective at running the programme, which of necessity had to be flexible, and keeping us informed.   He was well supported by his helpers including a number of knowledgeable and approachable experts on the polar regions and their wildlife.

Advice for Potential Travellers

You will need warm clothing - obvious, but you may be sitting for three hours in a Zodiac with temperatures around freezing and in a chilling wind.   Walks ashore are less of a problem.The waterproof clothing and boots supplied on loan on the Ioffe were of good quality, there is no need to bring your own.    Take some coloured clips to identify your boots amongst the 90 other pairs!This is a very photogenic trip.   Takes lots of memory, particularly if you intend shooting movie clips of whales and penguins.The Ioffe rolls very little because it has effective stabilisers but if you are prone to seasickness it would be wise take medication for the Drake Passage. 


An absolutely exhilarating experinence cruising on Akademik Sergei Vavilov whilst being surrounded by large white and deep blue icebergs, pushing through the ice trying to cross the Antarctic circle..An unforgetable experience observing and photographing colonies of penguins – those guys are so curious! They ask you to stay away at least 5 meters from the wildlife but nobody told the wildlife to respect that distance!! 

Most Inspirational Moment

A lonely Adelie penguin stuck on a large iceberge, right on the top, trying to figure out how to get down again. Oh my! We watched that guy good half hour from our zodiac, whilst he was trying to find his way down, all of our frozen fingers were crossed for him in a hope that he'd make it down. We lost the count of how many times he run up and down, gliding, running, the poor Adelie must've been exhausted.When our time was up, we had to leave and none of us will ever know whether he made it down to the safety and found his colony but our thoughts were with him for the duration of the trip and even so after our return home. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our tour leader - Jonathan Chester was very knowledgable, always taking a great regard to the safety of us all and to the environment that was surrounding us.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Yes, when you meet up wildlife, stop clicking the camera for a while. Stop, sit down and watch - things will happen.


The scenery was as breath- taking as I expected – if not more so: the animal life fantastic.  What made the journey was the informative guides, the high quality food and the friendliness of all concerned.  A fabulous trip that involved crossing the Antarctic Circle and visiting several historic sites and preserved huts of past years.

Most Inspirational Moment

The most outstanding memory is of the orca pod feeding off a whale: Anoux's beaked whale is rare itself but watching the orca pod surrounding it, taking chunks to eat and arcing as they did so, is a something I will not forget.  But this was just one of many fantastic moments.

Thoughts on Group Leader

He, and the whole guide staff were very good.  They were all polar experts who had personal experiences to talk about and were always happy to answer questions.  I felt they dealt with the unfortunate incident of the death of the Japanese lady extremely well and should be commended for this.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take twice as much digital card space as you think  you will need - and then more!  There is so much to film both in stills and on video.


I was introduced to Antarctica in the most amazing way. When we arrived there was a blanket of heavy fog the team got us on the zodiac and navigated on compass bearings. Suddenly like the curtain of a stage being pulled back we sat in sky of blue surrounded by a wild and pristine environment.

Most Inspirational Moment

See above. Watching whales breech. Smelling penguins before you could see them. Filming Leopard seals with my gopro. You truely need to be awake 24hrs a day and have eyes in the back of your head for this trip.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Shelly and the team were amazing. Their passion and commitment and tirless effort to show what they love and care about the most was amazing

Advice for Potential Travellers

Do take European travel plugs for Ushuaia as well as American.


Another fantastic trip to the wilderness that is Antarctica. Brilliant from start to finish with awesome scenery and wildlife experiences throughout on a fantastic ship.

Most Inspirational Moment

Experiencing the beauty of both Oraca's and Humpback whales upclose to to zodiacs and a brillient night spent camping on the Ice of Antartctica.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Woody was excellent from start to finish, extremely knowledgeable and passionate about Antarctica, friendly, open and worked brilliantly with the Ships Captain/Crew to get us lots of fantastic landings and cruising opportunities. He was ably assisted by the rest of his expedition crew who were all also fantastic.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Go... A definite must do atleast once in your life. Antarctica is awesome.


A holiday that exceeded all expectations. Stunning scenery, abundant wildlife, a great team and a superb boat and crew

Most Inspirational Moment

Seeing that being a penguin parent is true dedication!

Thoughts on Group Leader

"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape....." A quote from a member of the group that sums up Woody. Excellent does also.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Book it NOW!


This was an expedition that promised much but delivered rather less, though I would have given it 3 stars out of 5 if there had been no description of the categories. We weren't told in advance that our Photographic and Whale Special had been amalgamated with another trip because of insufficient bookings, and this really diluted its value, particularly as the expedition leader was from the non-photographic trip and did not appear particularly sympathetic to the needs of photographers. The quality of the catering was poor compared with previous trips: contracting out the catering to the lowest tender was not sensible and will not encourage repeat bookings.

Most Inspirational Moment

Excellent landings on Petermann Island and Danco Island which gave good photographic opportunities and just about adequate time.

Thoughts on Group Leader

She spoiled the trip with excessive over-caution with regard to Health and Safety, and inflexibility with regard to landing times. We were not allowed out on deck if the decks were wet or the sea was even a little rough, thereby preventing us from experiencing the full atmosphere of the Antarctic. On our previous Exodus Antarctic trip the leaders did their utmost to allow us the genuine Antarctic experience, but with this one we might as well have been in an enclosed capsule for much of the time. Often only half the ship's zodiacs were deployed for landings, when to deploy the full complement would have given us significantly extra time on land.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Inevitably there is a huge of travelling involved on this trip - from the UK or wherever to Ushuaia and thence to the Pole side of the Antarctic Circle. Be prepared for long roughish days on board ship across the Drake Passage and don't expect too much in the way of wildlife sightings, though we did have very good views of whales (particularly humpbacks). Leaving late in the season (late February) means that there is a good chance of achieving the objective of crossing the Antarctic Circle but does mean that the penguin breeding is completely over apart from a few stragglers and the majority of penguins seen will be moulting.