COVID and Post-Pandemic Travel
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Updated 5 May 2023
COVID and Post-Pandemic Travel
Following severe disruption in 2021-22, we are happy to now be able to operate our trips again on a normal basis. At Exodus we understand that for many, COVID remains something to be aware of when making travel plans, and while overseas. We have, therefore, put in place a simple three-point guide to give you peace of mind. Wherever you wish to travel, rest assured that you’ll be in the best hands throughout your journey with us.
Book with confidence.
You will benefit from our industry leading booking flexibility and complete financial security if you need to change your plans after booking with us. Don’t forget to take out full and valid travel insurance at your earliest opportunity, to enjoy comprehensive protection. More information can be found here.
No restrictions to join an Exodus group
Exodus has removed our requirement that customers be fully vaccinated or take a COVID test to be able to travel with us. Some destinations may have specific entry requirements in place with regards to COVID. We encourage you to check this by reviewing UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advice, or the equivalent in your home country if you are not resident in the UK.
What happens if someone tests positive for COVID on my trip?
If a group member shows clear symptoms of COVID-19 whilst on an Exodus holiday, they may be asked to take a test, depending on the circumstances.
Should they test positive, if there are local laws or guidelines in place, they will be required to follow these, which may include being instructed to self-isolate. This may mean they are not able to continue on the trip. Should this happen, the customer should contact their travel insurance provider to clarify what cover they have in place.
If there are no local laws or guidelines in place, we will ask the customer to take reasonable and practical steps to reduce the risk of the infection spreading to other group members. These will depend on the trip and location of the group; they may include requiring them to separate themselves from group. This could mean not being able to join group meals or activities, and arranging separate transport.
In either scenario, we will ask all to take sensible preventative measures, such as wearing face coverings, ensuring good ventilation when indoors, and encouraging regular monitoring of symptoms and self-testing if appropriate.
If any of the above arrangements incur an additional cost, the customer or their travel insurance provider will be expected to cover these. You can be assured, however, that Exodus will provide assistance and support throughout.
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